Laura Castaño

Author photo of Laura Castaño.
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Laura Castaño earned her degree in Journalism from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona. Since completing her studies, she has worked in various media outlets, both in print and radio. Currently, she specializes in current events and meteorology at EDATV.News, always staying on top of the latest developments in these fields to deliver the most up-to-date information to readers.

Throughout her career, she has gained extensive experience working for outlets such as Trendings, España Diario, Tu Otro Diario, and E-noticies. In these roles, she focused mainly on writing about current events and societal issues. Additionally, early in her career, she had the opportunity to work for two local radio stations, one of which is highly recognized nationally: Cadena SER and Domenys Ràdio.

Photo montage of Mario Picazo talking about adverse weather conditions with an image of a car crossing a flooded street and rain symbols.
Background image of a black sky with clouds, as well as another image of several cars driving on a rainy road, with a warning symbol above and some storm emoticons on the side