Jorge Rey Gets Ahead of AEMET and Issues a Clear Warning: What Will Happen in the Coming Days
Jorge Rey warns that a new front will arrive with rain, strong winds, and a drop in temperatures.
The storm Jana has left its mark on Spain next weekend. Heavy rains, storms, wind, and snow have dominated the landscape in much of the country. However, the forecasts do not bring good news for those who were hoping for a meteorological respite.
Jorge Rey, the young meteorology enthusiast who predicted Filomena, has issued a warning. According to his latest forecasts, after the passage of the storm Jana, stability will not arrive. Quite the opposite, what is to come could bring more cold, wind, and new precipitation.

Jorge Rey Warns of the Arrival of a New Front Next Week
Tomorrow, Monday, March 10, the storm Jana will still bring precipitation to the central and southwestern peninsular. They could also reach, although with less intensity, areas of the Cantabrian, Valencia, and Murcia. In the Canary Islands, light rains are expected without much impact.
But after the passage of Jana, calm will not arrive because, according to Jorge Rey, there will be an "opening of the doors to the Atlantic." That means that the storms will continue "arriving with great force" next week, the young man reports in his latest prediction. Additionally, they could "cause a drop in the levels."
Next Tuesday, March 11, according to Jorge Rey, movement will begin to generate in the Atlantic. "By Wednesday, it already starts to enter through Spain," he pointed out. Indeed, the arrival of a new storm is expected, which could again bring rains in several regions of the country.

On Tuesday, the rains will weaken in the Canary Islands, but Rey has issued a warning. "Watch out, eh," he emphasized. The precipitation will extend to the north, while in Andalusia, they will lose intensity.
From Wednesday, however, the front could already bring more intense rains. "This front will bring a lot of wind in practically the entire peninsula," he warned. A change in weather that will be especially noticeable in the western half and the south.
Jorge Rey points out that by Thursday, March 13, this front will gain even more strength and settle over the peninsula. "Gradually allowing this arrival of northern winds as well," the young man explained. A change that could mark the beginning of a new episode of instability.

Jorge Rey Forecasts the Possible Entry of Polar Cold Air
Jorge Rey has also pointed out that this new episode could be joined by a thermal drop. Since it would take place "the entry of polar colds, especially toward Friday and Saturday," he detailed.
This could bring snowfalls in several areas of northern and central Spain. The most notable accumulations are expected in the north of Castilla y León, especially in León and Valladolid, as well as in the Basque Country, the Pyrenees, and in Soria and Cuenca. Areas with possible snowfalls are also observed in the Sierra de Madrid and in Granada.
Although the models do not yet confirm it precisely, Jorge Rey warns that we must be alert. "It is still too early to say something with much accuracy," he qualified. In any case, instability will continue to mark the next week.
There is no doubt that Jorge Rey's forecasts make it clear that stability will take time to arrive. After the passage of the storm Jana, new fronts will bring more rains, wind, and cold in the coming days.
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