Ertzaintza police officers with their backs turned, featuring a Basque Country symbol and an image of an outstretched hand in a circle.

The Enormous Number of Violations That Set Off Alarms in País Vasco

64% of those arrested for sexual abuse are foreigners, according to data from the authorities.

The data revealed by Basque authorities highlight the serious problem of illegal immigration.

Reports of sexual assault with penetration increase by 77% in the Basque Country. Regional and local security forces recorded a total of 302 sexual assaults with penetration in the community last year, which equates to almost one report per day.

A group of young people talking on a sidewalk next to a brick wall and vegetation.
64% of those arrested for crimes against sexual freedom in Vizcaya are of foreign origin | Redes sociales

The breakdown of the data shows that Vizcaya was the province with the highest number of cases, reaching 160. It was followed by Gipuzkoa, with 90 reports, and Álava, with 45. Compared to the figures from 2019, before the pandemic, these crimes have increased by 77%, evidencing an upward trend in recent years.

Foreigners Top the List

The Prosecutor's Office has highlighted for the first time in its statistics that 64% of those arrested for crimes against sexual freedom in Vizcaya are of foreign origin, according to police data.

According to the report from the Basque Country's Superior Prosecutor's Office, led by Carmen Adán, sexual crimes committed by unjoined foreign minors have grown significantly in the autonomous community.

A dark street with a person raising his hand as a stop sign.
Sexual assaults are the main cause of concern | EDATV

During 2023, 56 rapes were perpetrated by adolescents under 18 years old. This represents an increase of 93% compared to the previous year. Additionally, 24 cases of sexual abuse must be added to this.

But it doesn't end there. The data show a 40% increase in reports of sexual crimes committed by minors in just one year.

In a recent appearance, Carmen Adán emphasized the need to thoroughly analyze the increase in crime in the region. The prosecutor warned about the growing severity of crimes committed by young immigrants.

Thus, pointing out that, in addition to offenses against property, injuries, and burglaries, sexual assaults are the main cause for concern.

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