A man in a checkered jersey is escorted by masked security agents, while a Vox Navarra logo appears in the bottom left corner.

Vox Navarra Denounces Chivite's Compensation to an Eta Member for 'false Tortures'

The party has expressed its rejection of this decision, calling the compensation unfair and accusing Compains of fabricating the torture.

María Chivite's government has decided to compensate Eneko Compains, a member of Sortu, who reported police torture during his detention in 2010. Vox Navarra has expressed its opposition to this decision, calling the compensation unjust and accusing Compains of fabricating the torture.

Eneko Compains was detained in September 2010, accused of belonging to Ekin, the political arm of ETA, and participating in terrorist activities. Along with nine other people, he was arrested by the Civil Guard. In his statement, Compains reported having suffered torture, including beatings and threats, during the period of incommunicado detention following his arrest.

Despite the torture allegations, the Audiencia of Navarra dismissed the case on several occasions. It indicated that there was insufficient evidence to support Compains's accusations. However, in 2017, the Constitutional Court ordered the investigation to be reopened, considering that not all necessary steps had been taken to clarify the facts.

A man in a plaid jersey smiles while being escorted by security officers.
Eneko Compains, member of Sortu | Redes sociales

In this context, the Government of Navarra, through the Department of Justice, has decided to recognize Compains as a victim of police violence. It will grant him financial compensation. The decision is based on the principle of reparation to victims of police torture and mistreatment, even though the judicial case has not been fully clarified.

Vox Navarra has expressed its opposition to this measure, arguing that it is a mistake to grant compensation to a convicted terrorist. Considering that Compains's torture allegations are unfounded. According to Vox, the compensation is a sign of the "vulnerability of the judicial system" and an "injustice" toward the victims of terrorism.

A man in a checkered jersey speaks at a podium with microphones, while another person stands in the background.
Eneko Compains, member of Sortu | Redes sociales

Vox has also denounced that such decisions reinforce the narrative of ETA victims. Who seek to obtain economic benefits without real evidence. The party has requested a thorough review of these decisions and that greater protection be granted to the real victims of terrorism.

In response, the Government of Navarra has defended the compensation, indicating that it is based on the rights of victims of police violence and the recognition of the damages suffered. They assert that Compains's case, like others similar, should be addressed from a human rights perspective.

The controversy has sparked a debate among the different political parties in Navarra, with divided positions on whether the compensation to Compains is justified. While some defend reparation to all victims of torture, others believe that compensation should exclude those with ties to terrorism.

Another Controversy Around Eneko

Eneko Compains Silva, a former member of Ekin, the political arm of ETA, was hired as a Constitutional Law professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of the Basque Country (UPV).

This hiring occurred after Compains reached an agreement with the National Court Prosecutor's Office to avoid prison. Accepting his membership in ETA and committing to renounce violence.

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