A man speaking at a conference with a box showing his image and 500 euro bills.

This Is How the Hiring of Sánchez's Brother's Advisor for Moncloa Was Orchestrated

It was on February 26, 2020, when the Presidency of the Government hired advisor Luis Carrero

The Moncloa advisor, who worked closely with Sánchez's brother, is back in the news. On February 26, 2020, Moncloa appointed Luis María Carrero Pérez as "vocal advisor." Carrero, who also worked for the brother of the Prime Minister in the Legislature de Badajoz, officially assumed the position on March 2 of that same year.

According to documents related to his appointment, obtained by OKDIARIO, the proposal was made by the Deputy Secretary General of the Presidency. It was a dependency of Óscar López, who at that time was the Chief of Staff of Pedro Sánchez.

A man in a suit in front of a building with the sign
David Sánchez's advisor arrived at Moncloa like this | EDATV

This position was held by Hilda Jiménez, who is now part of López's new executive team at the head of PSOE in Madrid. At that time, she was serving as Secretary of Universities.

The advisor to Sánchez's brother holds the rank of career civil servant within the body of teachers of Official Language Schools. Additionally, he is specialized in teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language, according to the aforementioned media. Throughout his career, he has carried out part of his work in the Valencian Community.

Moncloa assigned him a level 30, the highest within the administration. His first assignment was the Department of Analysis and Studies, but on the same day of his appointment, he was transferred to the Message Unit. This was located in the Department of Political Affairs, also in the Presidency of the Government.

A group of people outdoors, with a man in a blue jersey in the center and vegetation in the background.
David Sánchez's advisor and his arrival at Moncloa | Redes sociales

According to the record detailing this agreement, it was a "temporary assignment of functions." Carrero was dismissed from this position at his own request, effective December 31, 2023. This coincided with his new position as Head of the Section of Centers and Cross-Border Activities Programs in the Legislature de Badajoz.

This Was the Position Created for a Former PSOE Councilor to Help Sánchez's Brother

Pedro Sánchez's brother is back in the spotlight of controversy. This time, it involves a former socialist councilor. It was in 2023 when the Legislature de Badajoz created a new position within the Culture area.

All this with the aim of administratively managing and coordinating music conservatories. It is surprising since it was a task that until then fell to Sánchez's brother. The person selected to perform this function was Martín Serván Corchero, an experienced former PSOE councilor in Badajoz.

In statements to El Confidencial, he defended the need for this position. He argued that the conservatories have historically faced administrative problems since the teachers did not have knowledge in areas such as budgets, regulations, or fees.

The judge investigating David Sánchez has focused on the creation of this position. The truth is that she suspects that the Legislature may have exempted him from certain responsibilities. All so that he could focus on an opera project, his main interest.

This position was named Head of Service of Coordination and Administrative Management of Music Conservatories.

Additionally, it was occupied by Serván Corchero, who had previously appeared on the PSOE list in the 2019 municipal elections. Even securing a seat in the Badajoz City Council.

The magistrate, head of the Investigative Court number 3 of Badajoz, is not only investigating the creation of David Sánchez's position in 2016 and its award in 2017. She is also examining the possibility that the Legislature reduced his functions to allow him to focus on his personal interests.

Additionally, she is examining the hiring of additional staff to assist him, including a Moncloa advisor with whom he maintained communication. As reflected in emails where he referred to him as "little brother."

Meanwhile, Martín Serván Corchero has assured that he has no relationship with David Sánchez. He explained that his work is strictly administrative and that operational decisions fall on the teaching management of the conservatories.

According to his testimony, his function is to manage contracts and organize transfers, but without intervening in pedagogical decisions. He clarified that the position was created in September 2023, while he assumed the position in May 2024. And that his work is carried out at the request of the heads of each conservatory, with no direct relationship with David Sánchez.

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