The true reason why García Ortiz doesn't resign comes to light
The resignation of the Attorney General is not convenient for Sánchez's government
The Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, is the first prosecutor in the history of Spain to be charged and testify as a suspect before the Supreme Court. The scandal surrounding the Attorney General for the alleged leak of personal data of Alberto González Amador, partner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has escalated, and he now faces a tough legal path. However, it seems that García Ortiz wants to jump ship, but the Government won't allow it.
When the controversial news broke, García Ortiz's resignation became a topic of debate in talk shows and on social media. But from the space of Spanish public television, paid for by everyone, the prosecutor stated in an interview that he didn't plan to resign. And although he claimed to have the "absolute conviction not to resign," this Wednesday it was revealed that Pedro Sánchez's prosecutor has been communicating his intention to leave the position for months.

According to information published by The Objective, Sánchez's Government is allegedly responsible for "blocking" García Ortiz's resignation. Allegedly, with the clear intention of having him as a "firewall" to prevent the scandalous case from affecting La Moncloa.
Allegedly, a "struggle" arose to prevent García Ortiz's resignation between the Prosecutor's Office and the Government, which has been ongoing for months. This, given the media impact the prosecutor's case has had in the media and the evident damage it has caused to his image. According to the cited source, Sánchez's prosecutor finds himself in a dead-end, between his supposed desire to resign and the alleged pressures from the Government to prevent it.
García Ortiz refuses to respond to the judge and says he has changed his phone 6 times
The Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, has rejected the accusations before the Supreme Court. Despite not having replied to the judge, he has done so to his defense. He denies having leaked emails related to Isabel Díaz Ayuso's boyfriend.
Regarding his phone, he has detailed that he usually deletes content from his mobile phone, which he has renewed six times in recent years. He claims that both for security reasons and to comply with the legal obligation to manage confidential information.

García Ortiz appeared this Wednesday as a defendant before Judge Ángel Hurtado of the Supreme Court. He is being investigated for a possible revelation of secrets in the investigation for tax fraud affecting Alberto González Amador, Ayuso's boyfriend.
After a statement of approximately an hour and a half, the Attorney General left the High Court's headquarters visibly calm.
García Ortiz attended the meeting in his capacity as Attorney General. This happened after the Supreme Court's Contentious Chamber decided, unanimously, to keep him in his position. This after rejecting the appeal filed by the Professional and Independent Association of Prosecutors (Apif), which requested the annulment of his appointment.
This has been the first testimony of the head of the Public Ministry as a suspect before a court. However, in his reply to the State Attorney, Ortiz has denied, on several occasions, having leaked said "email". Neither to journalists nor to any member of Moncloa.
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