A man with glasses adjusting the frame while speaking into a microphone with a blurry text background and a red circle showing euro bills and an exclamation mark.

These Are the Ten Senior Executives at Rtve Who Will Have Higher Salaries Than Ministers

The lowest salary would reach 133,24,292 euros.

RTVE is now in the eye of the hurricane. This Friday, Radiotelevisión Española has released the outline of the new Management Committee, composed of ten members, including its president, José Pablo López.

The compensations of the committee members have drawn attention, as the lowest salary reaches 133,249 euros. This is an amount that exceeds the salary of the Prime Minister, his ministers and many secretaries of state.

This is confirmed by El Independiente. The total sum allocated to this item amounts to 1,440,360 euros annually. This amount could increase by around 110,000 euros additional if four of the ten committee members achieve certain set objectives.

A man wearing glasses and a dark suit is standing in front of a microphone, surrounded by people in a formal setting.
The total amount allocated to this item amounts to 1,440,360 euros annually. | Europa Press

The new Management Committee will be led by José Pablo López, whose fixed salary amounts, according to the media, to 164,384 euros. This supposedly with the possibility of adding up to 30,000 euros additional if he achieves certain objectives.

Eduardo Fernández, head of the corporate area, will receive 158,340 euros, while Alfonso Morales, general secretary, will receive 154,693 euros. Both can also opt for an annual bonus of 30,000 euros if they meet the set goals. This is confirmed by the mentioned newspaper.

RTVE building with a warning symbol superimposed.
The new Steering Committee will be led by José Pablo López | EDATV

Coming from the production company Fabricantes Studio, Sergio Calderón has taken over the direction of TVE with a fixed remuneration of 154,693 euros. Additionally, he could supposedly receive up to 158,563 euros additional if he achieves the established objectives, which would significantly raise his annual compensation.

Isabel Sánchez-Maroto, at the head of the News Services, will receive 135,000 euros annually. A figure that matches the compensation assigned to other high-ranking officials of the corporation.

Among them are Roberto Lakidain, head of Corporate Development and Public Service and former representative of CCOO. Also Roberto Santamaría, director of RNE and Cristina Bravo, head of RTVE Territorial. Finally, Adriana Vázquez, director of Production and Media.

María Eizaguirre, director of Communication and Participation, will receive the lowest salary, with 133,249 euros annually.

It is noteworthy that this list doesn't include the compensations of the 15 advisors chosen by the parliamentary groups in November, who receive more than 100,000 euros each.

RTVE Injects Catalanism

José Pablo López has announced that the children's channel Clan will broadcast its programming also in Catalan before the end of 2025.

It is noteworthy that the children's channel will continue to be broadcast in Spanish, only that it will coexist with Catalan, according to Vozpopuli. To carry it out, dual technology will be used.

It allows the user to decide, through the remote control, in which language they prefer to watch the chosen program. However, RTVE has not clarified which will be the default language, whether Spanish or Catalan.

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