A person with face paint holds a microphone while protesting in a street, with police vehicles and officers in the background.

Coral Latorre the Leader of the Student Union Supports Bildu and Islamization

The Union has received €441,320.42 in 14 state grants between 2021 and 2024.

Coral Latorre is the current general secretary of the Student Union and a activist of Revolutionary Left.  The Union has received €441,320.42 in 14 state subsidies between 2021 and 2024. These public funds have been given to an organization linked to the far left, which generates controversy.

The leader has promoted protests against the internal regulations of several institutes, such as Narcís Monturiol, Nicolás Copérnico and Humanejos. The mobilizations demand the authorization of the use of the hijab in educational centers. The students have accused the schools of Islamophobia and rights violations, under slogans like "Mr. Principal, Respect My Faith" and "No to Racism".

A woman with short dark hair speaks at a podium with the EH Bildu logo, joined by other people in the background.
Latorre also maintains ideological ties with Bildu | Redes sociales

These demonstrations have been supported by Latorre, who, at the head of the Student Union since March 2019, has replaced Ana García. The criticism not only focuses on her actions but on the fact that her organization receives significant state aid. In this context, the compatibility between public funding and the promotion of protests against the internal regulations of the institutes is questioned.

Besides her radical stance on educational issues, Latorre also maintains ideological ties with Bildu. In July 2023, the Student Union, under her leadership, asked for the vote for Arnaldo Otegi's formation in the regional elections. In an event with Maddalen Iriarte, Bildu's candidate, they signed an agreement in which they defended the right to self-determination for the Basque Country. 

The implications of this support and the protests organized by Latorre have caused controversy over the use of public funds to finance an organization that promotes these positions. Meanwhile the union continues to receive state subsidies, the criticism for its alliances and its protests, which some consider divisive, increases.

A person standing in front of a wall with posters and a sign.
The Student Union, under its leadership, asked for the vote for Arnaldo Otegi's party. | Redes sociales

On the other hand, Latorre is known not only for her political activism but also for her academic background. She is a graduate in Audiovisual Communication from Pompeu Fabra University. Her older brother, Borja Latorre, is the general secretary of the Student Union in Catalonia and is also linked to far-left movements.

The use of public funds to finance entities like the Student Union, which promote such controversial political causes, raises questions about control and transparency in the allocation of these resources.

As the criticisms toward Latorre and her organization intensify, the debate over the relationship between public funding and political activism continues to be a hot topic.

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