López Miras secures an absolute majority while the left collapses
According to the survey, López Miras would reach this situation with 46.6% of the votes.
The Region of Murcia aligns with the right in the majority. According to the Murcian Center for Public Opinion Studies (CEMOP), Fernando López Miras's party holds an absolute majority within the Region.
This has been confirmed by the latest winter barometer, where López Miras's PP and Vox are seen growing. However, Podemos Izquierda Unida is plummeting.
The Murcian PP consolidates its position with an absolute majority, according to the third survey of the legislature, which attributes the expected 23 seats in the Regional Assembly to them. The popular party, in the 2023 elections, was just two representatives short of reaching that number. Now, they'd be in a position to govern without the need for alliances, thus fulfillling their main objective since 2015.
According to the survey, López Miras would reach this situation with 46.6% of the votes. Additionally, the political project led by the president is consolidated as the one with the greatest social support. Thus, an increase of almost four points has been achieved compared to the results of the regional elections in May 2023.

On the other hand, President López Miras is the highest-rated politician among national and regional political leaders, according to the study. Also, the rating of the regional economic situation as good or very good rises by 5 points compared to the autumn barometer.
While López Miras achieves this result, Vox is also growing in the Region. This party experiences growth by adding one more deputy, thus reaching 10 representatives, its historical maximum. The formation led by José Ángel Antelo has managed to strengthen itself seven months after its exit from the regional government.
The Left Collapses
The PSRM-PSOE would face a significant drop, going from the current 13 seats to 11. This way, it matches one of the worst results in its history, similar to that of 2011.

It was when Ramón Luis Valcárcel achieved a resounding victory with 33 seats. Francisco Lucas, the new socialist leader, begins his mandate with this challenging scenario on the table.
The scenario is even more discouraging for the Podemos and Izquierda Unida alliance, which would lose a deputy and be reduced to having only one representative in the Regional Assembly.
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