A man with a serious expression is sitting in a public place, while in the lower right corner there is a red logo of the PSOE of Badajoz and in the upper left corner there is a circular image of a smiling man.

The Favor That Sánchez's Brother Asked of the Junta de Extremadura for His Project

In 2019, David Sánchez requested in writing a meeting with the Education Counselor from a provincial PSOE deputy

The name of Sánchez's brother continues to stand out. In October 2019, David Sánchez requested the intervention of the socialist deputy for Culture of the Badajoz Provincial Council, Francisco Martos. But also with the former director of Culture, María Emilia Parejo.

All this in order to arrange a meeting with the Minister of Culture of the Junta of Extremadura, María Esther Gutiérrez. The purpose of the meeting was to present an educational project in the region's educational centers. According to an email intercepted during an investigation and addressed to Martos and Parejo, David Sánchez was seeking the support of the Ministry.

All for an initiative that included the participation of students in cultural activities. Such as attending performances at the Teatro Real and the Teatro López de Ayala in Badajoz.

Man in light blue shirt standing outdoors with people and vegetation in the background.
Sánchez's brother did want to engage with the political sphere | Redes sociales

It should be noted that, recently, the institution has clarified that David Sánchez has no employment relationship with the Teatro Real. Although he is part of its Cultural Cooperation Circle, formerly the Advisory Council, for which he doesn't receive "any financial compensation."

The email was also sent to Manuel Candalija. Director of the Culture area and participant in the process of awarding the position of conservatory coordinator to David Sánchez in 2017.

Sánchez's brother stated that he did not want to "let this project pass." He also detailed two specific proposals: one related to students attending a general rehearsal at the Teatro Real in January 2020. The other consisted of promoting a show from the Teatro Real Junior program at the Teatro López de Ayala in May of the same year.

Man in light blue shirt speaking into a microphone during a conference.
Sánchez's brother requested the Board's protection | EDATV

As he clarified in the message, this last project was part of a framework agreement previously signed. And it was in the process of selecting the show, also awaiting the incorporation of a new team member to delegate management tasks.

David Sánchez, who had assumed the position of conservatory coordinator in the Provincial Council, wanted to count on the Junta. He highlighted the importance of having the support of the Ministry of Education of the Junta of Extremadura to carry out the proposal. In the message, he suggested requesting a meeting with the minister to evaluate the possibility of promoting these activities as part of the extracurricular activities program.

At that time, however, David Sánchez had not yet decided which show to include in the program. This led him to attach a preliminary document with his ideas. This project was partly driven by the need for a push from the regional government.

The same one led by Guillermo Fernández Vara, as inferred from Sánchez's request.

In fact, this is how Sánchez's brother asked for the favor:

"If you agree with the approach of involving the Ministry of Education of the Junta," he proposed to his interlocutors. "Could we please request the meeting with the minister, to see if they can start considering and promoting it as an extracurricular activity?"

The Unusual Justification of Sánchez's Brother's Work Attendance on Paper

Sánchez's brother and the Badajoz Provincial Council are back in the news. The Badajoz Provincial Council has presented documents with handwritten dates and signatures to justify David Sánchez's work activity.

That is, handwritten dates and signatures of the brother of the Prime Minister, between 2017 and 2025. This detail has caught the judge's interest, as, being official documentation, it is usually expected to have electronic signatures.

These reports, a total of eight activity reports, were sent to the Investigative Court number 3 of Badajoz on February 4. Precisely one day before David Sánchez submitted his resignation. The investigation seeks to clarify whether he was actually performing his duties in the position he held.

The newspaper El Independiente has published those handwritten signatures with a blue ink pen on the printed sheet. Something that has obviously caught the judge's attention.

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