Unexpected Twist in the Koldo Case: A New Key Witness Corners PSOE
The judge in the case paves the way for a new investigation that puts the Socialist Party against the ropes.
The "hydrocarbons case" remains the epicenter of multiple scandals surrounding Pedro Sánchez's government. The arrest of businessman Víctor de Aldama was the outcome of new and more serious accusations against high-ranking government officials, including one made by Carmen Pano. Aldama's partner claimed to have delivered 90,000 euros to the national headquarters of the PSOE on Ferraz Street, and she must now testify before Judge Santiago Pedraz.
Businesswoman Linked to Alleged Hydrocarbon VAT Fraud and Donations to PSOE Summoned
Judge Santiago Pedraz of the National Court has summoned businesswoman Carmen Pano as a defendant. This is part of the investigation into an alleged multimillion-euro fraud related to the VAT on hydrocarbons.

Carmen Pano, Aldama's partner, who previously claimed to have delivered 90,000 euros in bags to the national headquarters of the PSOE, must appear before the court on March 19.
The case seeks to clarify the details of the alleged fraud and determine if there is a connection between these donations and the irregularities under investigation. Pano's testimony could be key in the development of the case, which has caused great anticipation in both political and judicial circles.
Businesswoman Carmen Pano Detailed the Delivery of Money to Ferraz before the Civil Guard
Carmen Pano had promised "to cooperate with Justice" on two occasions, first anonymously, fearing reprisals, and then publicly, after Aldama's revelations on the COPE network. Carmen Pano spent the night at the Civil Guard Command in Tres Cantos (Madrid), where she was interrogated, according to the aforementioned media.
The witness not only reiterated the information about the payment of 90,000 euros to Ferraz on Aldama's instruction. She also confirmed that this money was used for the purchase of the chalet in La Alcaidesa, Cádiz, in the name of José Luis Ábalos.
These payments were part of a commission scheme to facilitate obtaining a hydrocarbon operator license for the company Villafuel SL. The company with which Aldama and Rivas defrauded 182 million euros in VAT.
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