Smiling man with a red background and a silhouette in a black circle with yellow exclamation marks.

This Was the 'coordinator and Technical Director' of Sánchez's Brother's Program

Supposedly, for the hiring, the socialist council has allocated up to 28,000 euros.

Sánchez's brother remains in the eye of the storm. After Pedro Sánchez's arrival at La Moncloa, the Ministry of Culture allegedly supported a concert headlined by David Sánchez.

The performance was part of the X Contemporary Music Cycle of Badajoz. It is an event jointly organized between the Executive and the Philharmonic Society of Badajoz. This is confirmed by Okdiario.

The agreement to carry out this collaboration was signed in October 2018, allegedly with Javier González Pereira as the representative of the Philharmonic Society. Subsequently, González Pereira was hired by the Badajoz Provincial Council as coordinator and technical director of the Young Opera program, according to the mentioned newspaper. A project directed by David Sánchez within the provincial institution.

A man in a dark suit and white jersey is standing in front of a decorative railing.
The agreement to carry out this collaboration was signed in October 2018. | Redes sociales

The X Contemporary Music Cycle of Badajoz allegedly had a total investment of 65,950 euros, of which the Government contributed 45,450 euros and the Philharmonic Society, 20,500. The Ministry of Culture was responsible for the printing and design of promotional material. It included posters, hand programs, banners, and brochures, with a cost of 5,000 euros.

For the hiring of González Pereira, allegedly, the socialist council has allocated up to 28,000 euros in the last three years. This is explained by the mentioned newspaper.

The Officials Defending David Sánchez's Innocence

Let's remember that David Sánchez left the prominent position he held in the Badajoz Provincial Council as Head of the Performing Arts Office. It is a decision he made "unilaterally" in the midst of the investigation that surrounds him.

After the news of his departure, many defended the musician's work. This despite the fact that even the judge herself sees alleged irregularities in the case.

A man with dark hair and a dark jacket is sitting in front of a background with a decorative design.
This is a decision he made "unilaterally" | Redes sociales

First, the president of the Provincial Council, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, stands out, who attributes this situation to a "persecution" for being the president's brother. It should be noted that he said all this while Gallardo himself is under investigation for his alleged involvement in the appointment of Sánchez, allegedly chosen arbitrarily.

Ricardo Cabezas, deputy of Culture, Sports, and Youth of the Provincial Council, has supported David Sánchez's management at the head of the Young Opera project. More specifically, he has assured that this "will continue forward."

Cabezas expressed his regret over the fact that, according to him, Sánchez has been a victim of a "pack of fascists." This, according to him, simply for "having the last name he has."

Also noteworthy are the statements of Pilar Alegría, Minister of Education and Government spokesperson. After the complaint became known, the socialist was clear: "They are persecuting him." In her view, for the sole crime of being a relative of the President of the Government.

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