Two people face each other in a blue-lit environment while others watch.

This Is Óscar Puente's 'Thug' Who Bans Vito Quiles's Questions

The journalist waiting to ask the minister has been grabbed by one of the bodyguards.

Minister Óscar Puente has once again become controversial. An unfortunate and intolerant tweet toward Santiago Abascal has put him back in the spotlight.

After calling the Vox leader "insecure," the minister has become one of the names of the day.

Precisely because of that tweet, EDATV wanted to ask Puente. Upon leaving the Ateneo de Madrid at an event, journalist Vito Quiles asked Puente if he was going to retract. This was after a montage where Abascal appears to be on tiptoe was echoed.

Faced with the question, which Óscar Puente refused to answer, the disproportionate attitude of his bodyguards is surprising.

One of them is clearly seen grabbing the journalist, even cornering him. An image that has not gone unnoticed and where it is clearly seen how he holds him with both arms.

Social Media Erupts Against Óscar Puente After Spreading a Fake Photo of Abascal

The PSOE minister once again used his social media to try to ridicule the president of VOX; however, he ended up being the object of mockery himself.

There is no certainty that Pedro Sánchez's minister realized from the beginning that the photo he was publishing was fake. However, after several comments comparing the original photo with the fake one, it became clear that Puente promoted a 'hoax' from his social media. It is important to note that he did not retract, much less apologize for spreading a fake image used to attack the leader of the third political force.

A reporter holds a microphone while interviewing a man in a blue-lit environment, with several people walking down stairs in the background.
An image that hasn't gone unnoticed and clearly shows how he holds him with both arms. | EDATV

From his X account, where he has more than 250,000 followers, the socialist minister posted the following:

Pointed beard so no one notices he has no chin. On tiptoe because Le Pen is taller than him. Shirts 3 sizes smaller to show off muscles.
And no public appearances so no one notices his empty brain.
INSECURE by the book.

After the evident montage made with the photo of Santiago Abascal, social media erupted against Sánchez's minister.
The X user, @paulsito, said the following to debunk the fake image spread by the PSOE 'tweeter.'

"Look how stupid they are that they even lie about this."

But that was not all. Hours after spreading the fake image, Óscar Puente decided to RT his post, proud of the reach he had achieved with a fake photo.

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