A man with glasses and a beard is in the foreground, while in a red circle there is a person with sunglasses and a scarf.

Koldo's Brother's Statement About Jésica's Lack of Computer Skills

Joseba stated this Tuesday at the Supreme Court that he had nothing to do with the hiring of Jésica Rodríguez.

Joseba García, brother of Koldo García, tried to distance himself from the hiring of Jésica. However, some of his statements support the young woman's version about. In the fact that, despite having been employed for almost three years in two public companies linked to the Ministry of Transport, she never actually performed any work functions.

During his appearance before the Supreme Court judge in the context of the 'Koldo case,' García explained:

"I called her on the phone, we met in the office, and it was then that I realized she has no computer skills."

A person with dark hair and sunglasses walks alongside other people.
Jesica didn't know how to use the computer according to Koldo's brother. | Europa Press

Throughout his testimony, Joseba tried to dissociate himself from any connection to the alleged corruption scheme. He claimed that he never received cash payments as a commission, that he did not travel to the Dominican Republic to obtain money. He argued that his entry into a public company was solely because he sent his resume after learning of an available vacancy.

According to what was published by La Razón, when testifying as a witness, Joseba García stated that he had no involvement in Jésica's incorporation. Everything in the position at the public company dependent on the Ministry of Transport, which at that time was led by Ábalos.

According to his account, from the Human Resources area, he was informed that if he needed support, he could count on "a resource." "When I found out about it, she was already working at Ineco," he declared.

Man with glasses and gray beard wears a dark coat and scarf in an urban setting.
Joseba García claims that they hired Jesica knowing she didn't have computer skills. | Europa Press

Judge Leopoldo Puente asked him if he knew the specific functions performed by Ábalos's partner. García replied that she worked from her home and that, precisely for that reason, they provided her with a computer. Currently, the witness faces an indictment in the National Court within the same judicial process.

Joseba García, who joined Ineco in 2019, explained that his work consisted of preparing "security reports," including those related to acts of sabotage in Barcelona. Regarding the activities carried out by Ábalos's partner, he indicated that he assumed she had worked since she was hired and made reports. However, given the possibility that she never performed any tasks, Joseba suggested that the company Ineco should provide explanations in this regard.

The Revelation of Koldo's Brother Before the Supreme Court Contradicts Jésica's Statement

Joseba García, brother of Koldo García, stated this Tuesday in the Supreme Court that he had nothing to do with the hiring of Jésica Rodríguez at Ineco. He claimed that the young woman was hired by the public company by its own decision and that it was not under his responsibility. Legal sources indicated that although he saw Rodríguez twice at the headquarters, there was no evidence that she worked there.

In his statement, Joseba García explained that Jésica Rodríguez was hired at Ineco, a public company attached to the Ministry of Transport, without him having any influence in the process. Contrary to what was stated by Koldo García and Rodríguez, who claimed that it was Koldo's brother who facilitated the hiring. Joseba denied his direct involvement in the process.

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