A man with glasses and a dark suit speaks at a podium with a sign that says "Barcelona i el Tour Un bon tàndem" while a colorful classroom for children is shown in a red circle.

Illa's Outrageous Support for Teaching 'sex Education' in Preschools

It is noted that at this age 'the discovery of sexuality' occurs.

Parlament de Catalunya approved a motion by ERC that asks the Generalitat government to include comprehensive sexual education in kindergartens. More specifically, as a mandatory subject in early childhood and primary education starting from the 2025-2026 school year.

This is explained by El Debate. The proposal was supported by the parliamentary group of PSC-Units, the Comunes, and the CUP, the republican's investiture partners.

Meanwhile, PP, Vox, and Aliança Catalana voted against it. ERC highlighted that this initiative is not new. The organizational decrees approved in 2022 and 2023 under Pere Aragonès's government already contemplated the inclusion of these contents in early childhood and basic education.

The leader of the PSC and the party's candidate for the Presidency of the Generalitat, Salvador Illa
PP, Vox, and Aliança Catalana voted against | Europa Press

The organizational decree for the early childhood stage was approved during Pere Aragonès's mandate. It establishes "affective-sexual" education as one of the pedagogical pillars for children aged three to six years. It aims to promote "the development of individuals regardless of stereotypes and roles based on sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression."

According to the media, it is noted that at this age "the discovery of sexuality" occurs. Also, "the construction of sexual and gender identity begins, without distinction." Allegedly, they ask teachers to "identify and eradicate possible mechanisms of hidden discrimination" that may occur in schools.

Also, according to the media, it asks that primary school children be taught to "prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections."

This isn't education: it's ideological indoctrination of the little ones | Europa Press

Reactions of Rejection

As mentioned earlier, the initiative is rejected by PP, Vox, and Aliança Catalana. Within Vox's group, the formation's deputy Julia Calvet labeled it as "ideological indoctrination." "This is not education: it's ideological indoctrination of the youngest," she asserted.

Promoting Catalanism

The president of RTVE has made a decision. José Pablo López has announced that the children's channel Clan will also broadcast its programming in Catalan before the end of 2025.

It should be noted that the children's channel will continue to be broadcast in Spanish, only that it will coexist with Catalan, according to Vozpopuli. To carry it out, dual technology will be used.

It allows the user to decide, through the remote control, in which language they prefer to watch the chosen program. However, RTVE has not clarified which will be the default language, whether Spanish or Catalan.

This is a controversy that is announced amid the debate over the future transformation of La 2 in Catalunya, which will become a monolingual channel in Catalan. Until now, it broadcast part of its programming in Spanish, although with territorial disconnections in Catalan.

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