A man with a microphone at an event with a red background and a small inset of a person with dark glasses and a black scarf.

Óscar Puente's Dubious Statement About Jésica That Now Backfires

The current minister appeared in the Senate to respond about the contract of Ábalos's close friend in the company

Jesica's statements in the Supreme Court have put the company Ineco in the spotlight. Ábalos's close friend admitted in the Supreme Court that, despite being hired by two public companies, she never actually performed any duties for them. She stated that she did receive a salary.

A person with dark hair and sunglasses walks alongside other people.
Jésica stated she has never gone to work at Ineco. | Europa Press

Regarding her relationship with former minister José Luis Ábalos, she declared that after a year she understood that he had no intention of getting a divorce.

The young woman, who has a degree in Dentistry, admitted that she never went to work. She said she had a brief interview before being hired by Ineco, a company she claimed she was unaware was public. "I thought it was a private train security company."

This is what Jesica said in the Supreme Court, where she testified as a witness in the case in which her ex-partner Ábalos is being investigated.

The former minister's partner at that time was hired at Ineco as an administrative assistant.

A man in a formal setting speaks into a microphone, with text on the screen that says
Puente's statement in the Senate about Jésica and her contract at Ineco | Redes sociales

"I had a higher degree, I was studying for my degree and I had knowledge of Office, which was the only thing they needed," she justified.

However, now that statement points to another statement from last November 28 by Óscar Puente. The current Minister of Transport defended the legality of Jesica's hiring, who claimed not to attend her job.

Now, these words from Óscar Puente backfire as it is revealed that Jesica barely passed an interview in which Koldo García was also present.

Let's remember that Puente made these statements in the Senate after being questioned by PP senator Francisco Bernabé.

The Relationship Between Jesica and the Plaza de España Apartment

Regarding her relationship with former minister José Luis Ábalos, she declared that after a year she understood that he had no intention of getting a divorce. During the interrogation, the issue of the apartment in the Torre de Madrid, located in Plaza de España, was also addressed. She lived there as a tenant for two years without paying the rent of 2,700 euros per month.

She also said she chose that house because it was "close to Ferraz."

A report by the UCO of the Civil Guard revealed that the network involved in the Koldo case covered the rent payment, disbursing a total of 82,298 euros. However, Jesica stated this Thursday that she can't identify who made these payments.

She has assured that she doesn't know who was responsible for those payments despite having lived there for two years.

The statement of Ábalos's 'close friend' about the Plaza España apartment leaves doubts.

The truth is that Jesica has been known as Ábalos's close friend or his ex-partner.

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