A Masterclass by Milei's Economic Guru to Negre
Huerta de Soto, a prominent advocate of anarcho-capitalism and the Austrian School of Economics, has profoundly influenced Milei's economic thinking.
The Relationship Between Spanish Economist Jesús Huerta de Soto and Argentine President Javier Milei Has Been Crucial for the Configuration of Argentina's Economic Policies.
Huerta de Soto, a prominent advocate of anarcho-capitalism and the Austrian School of Economics, has profoundly influenced Milei's economic thinking. He considers him a mentor and guide in his liberal approach. This alliance of ideas has shaped the Argentine leader's economic vision, who has begun to implement reforms aligned with the principles of economic freedom and minimal state intervention.
Jesús Huerta de Soto: Pillar of Libertarian Thought
Born in Madrid in 1956, Huerta de Soto is a Professor of Political Economy at Rey Juan Carlos University. Additionally, he is the Director of the Master's in Austrian School Economics. Throughout his career, he has published various influential works, among which Socialismo, Cálculo Económico y Función Empresarial stands out.

His defense of anarcho-capitalism and minimal state intervention in the economy has positioned him as one of the main references of economic liberalism. Through his work, Huerta de Soto has defended the importance of a free market as a driver of growth and well-being. Proposing that the government be limited to guaranteeing individual rights and private property.
Huerta de Soto's Influence on Javier Milei
The relationship between Huerta de Soto and Milei began several years ago when the Argentine president became interested in the ideas of the Austrian School. Since then, Milei has publicly acknowledged the deep admiration he feels for Huerta de Soto. Citing him as his main mentor in formulating his economic vision.
Una Clase MAGISTRAL del gurú económico de JAVIER MILEI
During his inaugural speech as president, Milei made a clear reference to the teachings of the Spanish economist. Highlighting the relevance of economic freedom and the commitment to an economy without the restrictions of state interventionism.
The bond between them has also been reflected in various recognitions and gestures of collaboration. Huerta de Soto has publicly congratulated Milei on his rise to the presidency and has dedicated his latest book, Statism and the Economy: The Deadliest Virus, to his figure.

Additionally, Huerta de Soto proposed Milei for the Nobel Prize in Economics, highlighting his courage in promoting ideas of freedom and anarcho-capitalism in a challenging political environment. This intellectual support underscores the impact that Huerta de Soto's thinking has had on Milei's economic agenda.
Impact on Argentina's Economic Policies
The Policies Promoted by Milei Have Had a Marked Influence from Huerta de Soto's Teachings. Among the main measures adopted by the Argentine government are the reduction of the state's size, the elimination of regulations, and the promotion of a free market economy.
These reforms aim to transform Argentina's economic structure, in line with the principles defended by the Austrian School and anarcho-capitalism. The implementation of these policies has caused a significant change in the country's economic orientation, seeking to restore stability and foster growth through economic freedom.
The Transfer of Libertarian Ideas
The relationship between Huerta de Soto and Milei exemplifies the transfer of libertarian ideas between academics and politicians. This alliance shows how economic theories can transcend the academic realm and become a force that influences political action and the formulation of public policies.
Through this exchange, the Austrian School's thought has left an indelible mark on Milei's government decisions. He continues to implement reforms that promote market freedom and minimal state intervention.
The Legacy of Huerta de Soto in Argentina
Jesús Huerta de Soto has established himself as a central figure in Javier Milei's economic orientation. Through his defense of anarcho-capitalism and his critique of state interventionism, Huerta de Soto has been a decisive influence on the Argentine president's economic policies.
The relationship between them highlights how an academic can guide a political leader's decisions toward an approach of economic freedom and minimal state intervention. This could have a lasting impact on Argentina's economic future.
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