PSOE and the tributes to the executioners
Javier García Isac's strike today, Thursday, February 6, 2025
The left, and particularly PSOE, hide their massacres and indiscriminate crimes, telling us about victims of Francoist repression, most of whom were murderers and genocidal. Tributes to the executioners are an insult to the victims of the Popular Front.
Next year is the centenary of the Plus Ultra, the greatest aeronautical feat in history. There will be events and tributes for the first transatlantic flight. It won't be mentioned that years later, PSOE murdered one of the pilots, Ruiz de Alda. 100 years later, their murderers are honored.
David Sánchez resigned from his position, that post where he was unaware of the functions and location. We are eager to know who will be his replacement at the head of young opera and director of performing arts.
El PSOE y los homenajes a los verdugos
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