Attorney General García Ortiz against the ropes after witnesses' statements
The provincial prosecutor of Madrid, Pilar Rodríguez, last Thursday in her statement as a defendant stated that 'she executed'
The statements of witnesses and defendants in the case against García Ortiz have revealed a pattern. The same one that points directly to the Attorney General.
Pilar Rodríguez, provincial prosecutor of Madrid, testified as a defendant last Thursday, and in her words before the judge, she stated that "I simply receive instructions and execute them."

The prosecutor emphasized several times that she had never questioned the instructions received from her boss Álvaro García Ortiz. Additionally, she acknowledged that she was asked to send the tax file of Ayuso's partner to a non-corporate email.
"Your Honor, I don't question when I'm given an instruction. I don't question the Attorney General." This is how the prosecutor stated it before the magistrate.
Prosecutor Diego Villafañe, García Ortiz's right-hand man in the day-to-day of the Institution, testified last Wednesday. He stated before the Supreme Court magistrate that based on the due "accountability" that correplied to his highest hierarchical superior, he collected and sent the dossier. The same one that contained the confidential information of Díaz Ayuso's partner.

This same prosecutor acknowledged that his interest in that information arose from the order received from his boss. That is, both contributed to fulfilling a need that, for García Ortiz, existed to access that tax dossier "urgently."
From that moment, Almudena Lastra comes into play. Lastra not only questioned the "urgency" of the instructions received. She also warned her colleague Rodríguez about what could happen with that information: "They're going to leak it."
Additionally, Lastra, after the internal movements in the leadership of the Public Ministry, which led several media outlets to echo the emails. The ones exchanged between González Amador's lawyer and prosecutor Salto.
Once the famous press release was made, which Lastra refused to publish, she directly asked García Ortiz:
Álvaro, did you leak it?
This is the twist García Ortiz wants to give to his investigation that leaves him portrayed
The Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, remains in the spotlight of everyone. Especially after his appearance in the Supreme Court as a defendant for alleged crime of revealing secrets. Some situations that have occurred around García Ortiz have raised suspicions among citizens who have expressed it on social media, now, the prosecutor surprises again.
García Ortiz denied having shared details about the complaint filed by prosecutor Julián Salto. Better known as the 'Ayuso's boyfriend case.' This, due to the emails in which the businessman's defense acknowledged the commission of two tax crimes.
Likewise, the Attorney General's reply when asked about the information that had been deleted from his mobile phone, gave a reply that caused several criticisms on social media.
Regarding his change of mobile phone, which occurred a week after the Supreme Court opened an investigation against him, García Ortiz surprised with his reply. The Attorney General argued that his device contained sensitive information for national security.
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