Donald Trump blocks federal funds for elective abortions with an executive order
Trump has argued that decisions about abortion should be the responsibility of the states, based on the will of their voters.
Donald Trump has signed an executive order that prohibits the use of federal funds to finance or promote elective abortions in the U.S.
The order seeks to restore the 1977 Hyde Amendment, which prevents taxpayers from funding voluntarily performed abortions.
Trump stated that "no citizen should pay with their taxes for a practice that goes against their essential beliefs and values."
The White House emphasized that this measure corrects the stance of the previous administration, which didn't respect the Hyde Amendment.

Former President Joe Biden, during his term, promoted policies that facilitated access to abortion, ignoring previous restrictions.
Trump has argued that decisions about abortion should be the responsibility of the states, based on the will of their voters.
The executive order reinforces state autonomy, one of the former president's main platforms in social policy issues.
The White House explained that the director of the Office of Management and Budget will be responsible for implementing this new directive.
This measure was announced on Friday, coinciding with the March for Life in Washington, a key event for anti-abortion activists.
Thousands of people participated in the march, celebrating the decision as a significant advancement for the protection of life.
The former president also pardoned 23 anti-abortion activists convicted of blocking entrances to clinics where terminations were performed.
Abortion has been a controversial issue in the U.S., especially after the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade in 2022.
Trump highlighted that his commitment to pro-life policies seeks to balance conservative values with societal demands.
During his term, Trump signed several measures that limited the use of public funds for services related to abortion.
The president stated that these policies represent a "clear defense of the rights of the unborn" and his pro-life values.

The measure also responds to the growing pressure from religious and conservative sectors that supported his candidacy in 2024.
Trump has assured that he will continue to defend the beliefs of millions of Americans who reject the use of public money for abortions.
The executive order reinforces the former president's focus on restoring traditional policies that reflect family and conservative values.
The political impact of this measure is significant, consolidating his support among religious voters and anti-abortion activists across the country.
The March for Life, where the measure was announced, has become a key event for the pro-life movement in the United States.
The announced policy reinforces the idea that each state should decide its position on abortion, respecting local autonomy.
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