The sexist would be your father
Javier García Isac's blow from yesterday, Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Ángel Víctor Torres, the one who should explain whether he profited from masks during the pandemic, if he was involved in companies with shady dealings with Venezuelan oil, and if it's true that he has a habit of sleeping with young women in apartments paid for by others, for example in Atocha, instead of lying. His mother would be illiterate because of her father's machismo, not because of Franco.
Sánchez's attorney general testifies as a defendant. The government rallies around another of its defendants. The government is discredited and protects its corrupt members. All for one. The socialist strategy is to tighten the screws on their corrupt members and give them more power. If number one falls, they all fall.
El machista lo sería tu padre
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