The pact between Aldama and Rivas that implicates high-ranking officials of the socialist government
Aldama is said to have promised to intercede with the Ministry to expedite procedures related to Rivas's hydrocarbons business.
The alliance between Víctor de Aldama and Claudio Rivas is said to have begun in August 2020, according to statements obtained by the UCO.
Carmen Pano, a detained businesswoman, revealed that she introduced them due to common interests after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
Aldama was seeking investors for a restaurant in "Las Cuatro Torres" due to a debt of 1.5 million euros.
Claudio Rivas, a businessman with a passion for hunting, was chosen as a potential partner to finance the business, according to Pano.

The first meeting was held in Aldama's office, where he explained his alleged connections with Pedro Sánchez's government.
Aldama is said to have promised to intercede with the Ministry to expedite procedures related to Rivas's hydrocarbon business.
In September 2020, Rivas began investing in the restaurant, delivering 10,000 euros weekly, according to the businesswoman.
Pano claimed that cash deliveries were made in person or through emissaries who visited Aldama's office.

Among these operations, Pano declared having delivered 90,000 euros in cash at the PSOE headquarters in Ferraz, on Aldama's orders.
The deliveries are said to have occurred on three occasions, going up to the second floor with a paper bag containing the money.
The businesswoman, under investigation in the case, will testify before Judge Santiago Pedraz on March 19 about these events.
Pano also linked Aldama to meetings at the Ministry of Industry in January 2021 to obtain licenses for Villafuel.
Juan Ignacio Díaz Bidart, then number two to Reyes Maroto, is said to have participated in these meetings, according to the statements.
Aldama is also said to have facilitated the document's passage through the hands of various involved parties before it was sent.
The document submitted failed to meet the required financial criteria, according to the UCO, prompting Aldama's intervention.
Pano indicated that José Luis Ábalos is said to have facilitated access to the ministries of Teresa Ribera and Reyes Maroto, according to the report.
Ábalos allegedly received compensations such as a villa registered under Have Got Time SL, a company owned by his daughter.
After Ábalos's dismissal, Rivas felt defrauded by the lack of results and pressured to remove the socialist deputy.
Investigations continue, while the UCO keeps unraveling the links between the VAT scheme and political figures.
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