A woman with a surprised or angry expression is in a technology store next to a large blue and white logo.

Movistar's Surprise Isn't Meant for Everyone: It'll Cost You an Arm and a Leg

Movistar has an innovative service that for now will have a prohibitive price for most users

Movistar is one of the most innovative companies and is always at the forefront of technological advancements. Over the years, it has been a pioneer in various fields, from mobile connectivity to fiber optic networks.

Its latest surprise, however, is something that could change the connectivity landscape. That said, it is not without controversy, especially due to its price.

Through Telefónica, Movistar will be the first operator in Europe to offer a satellite Internet tariff. It represents a step that positions it as a leader in an emerging market. This service, which will initially debut in Germany with O2, also intends to reach Spain in the coming months.

Montage with the Movistar logo, an exclamation and a mobile phone in one hand
Movistar will offer a satellite Internet plan | Dasha Petrenko, Movistar

The idea is to offer a connectivity alternative in places where traditional networks do not reach. This would open up new possibilities for many people and businesses.

Movistar Goes a Step Ahead of Others

The concept of satellite connection is, in principle, very attractive. Especially because it promises to bring Internet to any corner where standard fiber or 4G network coverage doesn't reach. This, for example, can be very useful in rural areas or in emergency situations where Internet is needed without relying on terrestrial infrastructure.

However, there is a detail that will make many users hesitate to consider this service: the price. The satellite connection tariff will be provided by the company Skylo. And the cost for the user will be about 7 euros per Megabyte (MB).

This means that, for those accustomed to traditional mobile data tariffs, this price will seem exorbitant.

Montage of a mobile phone and a girl saying no with her finger
It will cost you a lot to use this Movistar service | Frank Vex

In standard data tariffs from any operator, prices are usually set per gigabyte (GB). This allows access to much larger amounts of data for a much lower price. To put it in perspective, if 1 GB of data were consumed at this price of 7 euros per MB, the expense would exceed 7,000 euros.

This makes the service much more expensive than conventional mobile tariffs. At first glance, it seems unlikely that this service will quickly become popular among users in Spain. Mainly due to the high price it entails.

Will Be Used in Certain Circumstances

Nevertheless, it should not be completely ruled out, as in extreme situations, it could be a valid option. Especially for those who need Internet access in areas without standard coverage. For example, if one finds themselves in an emergency in a remote location or in a hard-to-reach area, satellite connectivity could be the alternative.

It is true that Movistar continues to demonstrate its leadership in innovation and connectivity. However, the satellite Internet tariff it will offer through Telefónica could be difficult for most users to afford. Especially due to its high cost.

While it could be useful in special circumstances, it is likely not to become a regular option for the average user. At least, not for now. 

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