A man in a white t-jersey is surrounded by people in uniforms as they look at a document; in an inset, two people stand next to a cage with an animal.

Social Media Erupt After Frank Cuesta's Arrest in Thailand

Social media users have shown their full support for Frank following the arrest

The alleged arrest of Frank Cuesta in Thailand has sparked a flood of comments in support of the famous presenter who is going through a rather complex personal situation.

Activist Frank Cuesta was arrested this Thursday in Thailand, accused of having wild animals in his sanctuary without the required permits. The arrest followed an investigation initiated last February 14, after an anonymous complaint alerted authorities about the possible illegal possession of protected wildlife.

However, Frank of the Jungle's problems surrounding the sanctuary are not new. In fact, just a few days ago, he explained in a video that after the tremendous legal conflict with his ex-wife, his lawyers recommended that he leave the Asian country.

Frank, however, remained in the sanctuary doing what he loves: taking care of his animals. But the immense love for nature has cost him dearly, a terrible news that has left everyone, especially Spaniards, deeply outraged.

An otter inside a metal cage looking out.
The arrest occurred following an investigation that began on February 14th. | Redes sociales

Support for Frank is evident on social media. People are calling for his freedom and portraying the unfortunate actions of his ex-wife, whom many accuse of being behind the arrest.

On social media, some of the comments are these:

When you watch Frank Cuesta's videos and notice the love animals have for him. You know the guy can be anything but he would never harm the beings he cares for with his life.

Frank is one of the noblest people with the biggest heart I've known. He has given his life for animals and has created a wonderful life project to help and protect them, and now they are destroying it.

According to official reports, at the Freedom Sanctuary managed by Cuesta, nine small-clawed otters and a duck-billed python were found. These species require specific documentation for possession. Authorities continue investigations to determine possible sanctions.

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