New Alert from Banco Sabadell: Confirmed, if you do this, there's no turning back
Banco Sabadell warns about the risk of fraud in online stores
In the digital age, shopping online has become a daily activity thanks to its simplicity, convenience, and speed. However, this ease has also led to an increase in various forms of fraud.
Therefore, Banco Sabadell has issued an important alert for all its clients and users. The bank has highlighted the risks associated with shopping at online stores and offers advice to avoid falling victim to scams.

Banco Sabadell Warns of the Rise in Online Store Scams
Immediate access to digital services has transformed our lives, allowing us to make transactions and purchases with just a few clicks. However, this has been exploited by criminals seeking to obtain personal data and illegally steal money.
If you come across an offer that seems too good to be true, be alert. Banco Sabadell has warned that it is likely a strategy to deceive you.
Banco Sabadell's Tips to Avoid Online Fraud
Banco Sabadell recommends its clients follow a series of measures to protect themselves against online store scams. Avoid online stores that offer products at prices well below the market. These offers are often misleading and aim to attract unsuspecting users.

Be cautious with emails or WhatsApp messages containing unexpected offers. These may include viruses or malware. If you receive a suspicious message, delete it without opening the attached links.
Additionally, make sure that the online store you wish to purchase from has a valid phone number and postal address. This makes it easier to contact them in case of any inconvenience or problem.
Regularly update the antivirus and operating system of your devices. You should also make your purchases from your personal network or from places with secure connections. Public networks are more vulnerable to interceptions and fraud.

On websites, verify that the security lock icon appears in the navigation bar. Click on the lock and ensure that the web address is correctly written.
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