Kiko Matamoros Sends a Controversial Message to Isabel Pantoja Live: 'stop…'
Kiko Matamoros has raised alarms in 'Ni que fuéramos' with his controversial message to Isabel Pantoja
The latest information has caused Isabel Pantoja to break her usual silence. The singer has sent a statement in the first person and announced measures against media, programs, and television collaborators. Something that has made Kiko Matamoros explode and tell her: "Stop playing the martyr".
Isabel Pantoja claims she is a victim of a "constant campaign of defamation, slander, and libel". "I want to inform that, in light of the constant campaign of defamation, slander, and libel spread by different media, programs, and collaborators, I have decided to initiate the appropriate legal actions", she expressed. She has also detailed whom she has hired to do so.

Pantoja has made it clear that she can't allow what is being said about her. "Freedom of expression has clear limits if it collides with the right to honor, privacy, and one's own image. Especially when the information is disseminated with knowledge of its falsehood and without verification", she emphasized.
Isabel Pantoja's Statement That Has Upset Kiko Matamoros
Pantoja's decision is not only due to what is happening in the present. It also responds to everything that has been said over the years: "For years, lies and baseless accusations have been made against me. They have severely damaged my image, honor, and reputation, as well as that of the team that accompanies me", she explained.
For her, these "practices" are "indicatively constitutive of slander or libel offenses". Therefore, she will try to go through civil or criminal channels as she deems appropriate. She has warned that she will do so against "those programs, media, and collaborators who have repeatedly and maliciously violated my right to honor, privacy, and my own image".

"Through my team of lawyers, I will defend the rights that assist me and my team. I will demand the pertinent responsibilities from those who have attacked my privacy, honor, and image. They have caused me economic, moral, and psychological damages", Isabel Pantoja concluded.
Kiko Matamoros Explodes Against Isabel Pantoja
Following this statement, Kiko Matamoros has raised alarms in Ni que fuéramos. His confession about Isabel Pantoja's text has caused controversy: "Every citizen has the right to sue whoever they want. Then a court will say whether it is admitted for processing or not", Matamoros stated.

However, it was his next statement that caused an impact. "For you to come now, Isabel Pantoja, and say that you have been vilified for years is the same thing you said when you went to prison. Stop playing the victim already because you went to prison for a reason", Kiko Matamoros confessed.
These words have brought to the table a topic that has been taboo on television for years. Isabel Pantoja's past in prison is back in the media spotlight. Kiko Matamoros has not hesitated to bring it up following the artist's statement, and his confession has reopened a debate that seemed forgotten.
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