A woman with loose brown hair, wearing a yellow T-shirt, holds a mobile phone and a credit card in front of a bank branch; in a circle to the left, another woman smiles while holding a mobile phone.

Caixabank Had an Ace up Its Sleeve: the Card Everyone Fights Over

CaixaBank has just introduced a card designed primarily for those who travel abroad frequently

CaixaBank has just launched a card that is causing a sensation, and it has done so through its digital bank Imagin. It is a debit card designed especially for those who travel. It allows payments in any currency and cash withdrawals abroad without fees.

A huge advantage for frequent travelers. Especially considering the fees that other banks usually apply when operating outside the country.

Imagin, CaixaBank's digital platform, has become the ideal channel to attract young customers. The new card, available in both physical and digital versions, aims to facilitate day-to-day financial activity for new generations. With this card, CaixaBank demonstrates that it continues to adapt to the needs of young people.

CaixaBank will allow you to operate in other countries with this card | España Diario TIPS, Getty Images

Nowadays they prioritize convenience, accessibility and, above all, transparency in fees. In the case of this card, international transactions become easier and more economical.

CaixaBank Will Convince Many This Way

CaixaBank, aware of the importance of this market niche, has managed to connect with the younger customer profile. Especially those looking for quick and agile solutions, and for this, it has created Imagin.

According to the bank's data, 50% of the new customers who have joined the entity recently have done so through Imagin. This digital bank has become one of the main players in the field of digital finance. Standing out especially in the age range of 18 to 34 years.

Imagin has gained a market share of 48% among the main neobanks and fintechs in this age group. This has made CaixaBank a benchmark in the digital banking sector. It is not surprising that last year it added more than 200,000 new customers, reaching a total of 3.5 million.

A woman using a Caixabank ATM with a modern design and a screen that shows her face.
They will allow withdrawing money from ATMs outside Spain | Europa Press

This unstoppable growth has been driven, in large part, by ease of use and innovative proposals. Such as the new card designed for those who enjoy traveling.

CaixaBank Bets on Innovation

The success of this card is also due to CaixaBank's mindset of continuing to innovate. It is not just about offering products but creating experiences tailored to the real needs of users. In this sense, the Imagin card is the perfect example of how the bank has listened to market demands.

It focuses on offering solutions for those who, for example, are frequently outside their country. They seek not only convenience but also savings in their transactions.

➡️ Lifestyle

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