Nando Escribano and Anabel Pantoja smiling pose in front of a colorful background, Anabel holding a baby and there is a red exclamation mark next to it.

Nando Escribano Discovers Something Important About Anabel Pantoja and Her Daughter Alma

Antena 3's contributor provided that relevant piece of information about the young influencer live on 'Espejo Público'

Nando Escribano has surprised viewers of Espejo Público today. The reason is that during the live broadcast he discovered something very relevant related to Anabel Pantoja and her daughter, Alma.

Specifically, he has brought to light that the young influencer has a mole in her close circle. A mole who is responsible for giving the press personal information about her.

Anabel Pantoja and David Rodríguez embrace while watching the sunset by the sea with a baby stroller next to them.
The couple now has a new concern | Instagram, @anabelpantoja00

Nando Escribano Gives a Relevant Fact About Anabel Pantoja

Anabel Pantoja and her partner, David Rodríguez, are at the center of media attention due to an investigation for alleged child abuse toward their daughter, Alma. Despite everything, the family has decided to travel from their residence in Gran Canaria to Seville, and then to Córdoba, his hometown.

This trip has been followed by the press, which has caused tensions and reactions from the influencer. So much so that in that encounter with the media, she has appeared visibly upset.

Anabel Pantoja, wearing sunglasses and a backpack, pushes a baby stroller covered with a blanket while walking through a crowded place.
Anabel Pantoja has shown herself to be very upset with the press | Europa Press

In Espejo Público today, the collaborator Nando Escribano has provided revealing information about the situation. Thus, he stated: “Someone from her circle is leaking all her movements to the press. The question is: Who, Anabel, is playing you?”

Nando Escribano on 'Espejo público' with a background displaying the question
Nando Escribano has revealed that Anabel has a mole in her circle | Atresmedia

This way, he has suggested that someone from the influencer's close circle could be leaking information to the press. This hypothesis is based on the precision with which the media have known the family's movements and plans. Yes, including specific details such as schedules and destinations of their trips.

Nando Escribano's Information About Anabel Pantoja Is Supported by Another Colleague

This theory by Nando Escribano has been supported by other collaborators of the program, who have considered that Anabel Pantoja should review her circle of trust. All to identify possible sources of these leaks.

Specifically, it has been Gema López who has supported this information. She did so by saying: “I knew there was an intention to make this trip, but I had no idea when it was going to happen. There are family members who still haven't seen the girl.”

“At 6:00 AM, normally, agencies don't keep watch and at that time there are no television programs either. Someone knew for certain yesterday that the time she was going to leave home was that. Therefore, Anabel will have to review who knew she was going to travel and close that circle.”

Gema López speaking and gesturing with her index finger raised on a television program. Screenshot from 'Espejo Público'.
Gema López has confirmed her colleague's information | Atresmedia

In summary, the current situation of Pantoja and her family is complex. The possibility that someone from her circle is providing information to the press adds an additional layer of tension in an already complicated moment. The management of her relationships and the way she handles public exposure will be crucial in the development and resolution of this situation.

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