Alba Carrillo Gets the Most Sought-after Exclusive on 'mañaneros': 'i'm Staying Alone'
The collaborator has managed to score an important point for the TVE program compared to its rivals.
Alba Carrillo has achieved a milestone on her show Mañaneros. She has secured none other than the most sought-after exclusive: Rocío Carrasco's.
After some time away from the media spotlight, Rocío has decided to speak via phone for the show where her friend works. During the call, she made striking statements like this one: "I end up alone when I sing."

Alba Carrillo Secures the Most Desired Exclusive for Mañaneros
Since joining Mañaneros, Alba Carrillo has proven to be a committed and dynamic collaborator. Her ability to connect with the audience and her closeness to relevant figures have positioned her as a key piece in the show.
Now for it, she has achieved something highly sought after these days: a live interview with Rocío Carrasco. She decided to speak for the mentioned format where her friend works.
Specifically, Rocío referred to the Drag Queen Gala in Torremolinos, where she had reappeared to present an award. She also mentioned the musical about her mother that she manages and which has premiered these days in the mentioned city. A musical about which she stated: "You might cry, laugh, or sing."
"The best definition is what everyone says when they leave. It's a roller coaster of emotions and it's real."

During the conversation, Adela González commented: "Let's see if you're going to get carried away with the musical theme, because I've seen you sing and you sing very well." To which the ex of Feliciano López added: "The truth is she does sing well, but if you compare her to her mother, well, no. But if she sings alone, she sings well."
Comments that led Rocío to respond with humor: "She sings alone. Yes, because I end up alone when I sing."
Alba Carrillo Secures Two More Interesting Exclusives for Mañaneros
The interview served to reveal Rocío Carrasco's projects and was also the setting to secure future exclusives for the show. Thus, Alba Carrillo managed to get her friend to agree to allow her to make a special report on the musical dedicated to Rocío Jurado for Mañaneros. This report will seek to delve into the details of the show and offer viewers a closer look at the production.
Additionally, Adela extended an invitation to the wife of Fidel Albiac to visit the show: "When are you coming to the set one day?" And Alba Carrillo added: "Come one day when I'm here, please. And that way you'll be here with me."
After these words, Rocío accepted the invitation. She did so by committing to attend the show on the day the report on the musical is presented.

The Relationship Between Alba Carrillo and Rocío Carrasco
The friendship between Alba Carrillo and Rocío Carrasco was forged when they both co-hosted Hable con ellas on Telecinco. Since then, they have become inseparable and have flaunted this bond on multiple occasions. In the TVE show, it was the last time it was evident.
A format where the collaborator managed to secure an exclusive interview, a future report, and a visit to the set from Rocío Jurado's daughter. A full house of aces that has contributed and will contribute to strengthening the show's position in the television line-up.
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