A smiling man with a microphone and a woman clapping in the background, with two overlapping circular images showing two people smiling and a man with glasses.

These Are Cerdán's Declared Assets While UCO Tracks Estates in Navarra

The revealed messages put Santos Cerdán in the spotlight after being uncovered by the UCO

The Koldo case continues to leave a trail of names and politicians in its wake, the latest being Santos Cerdán. The UCO of the Civil Guard is investigating a series of messages between Santos Cerdán, the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, and Koldo García. They reference public contracts.

According to El Debate, the agents are tracking the purchase of land in Navarra by Cerdán's relatives, emphasizing the purchase made shortly after he had contact with members of the alleged scheme. Since it was revealed that this matter was under the investigators' scrutiny, the socialist leader has opted for silence.

This outlet has accessed details about the investigations carried out by the security forces. In particular, the agents discovered the messages between Cerdán and Koldo through the former's personal phone number. Simultaneously, a source alerted about possible land transactions linked to his family circle, as reflected by El Debate.

Three men smile while posing together in a well-lit indoor setting.
Cerdán exchanged messages with Koldo | Redes sociales

According to the information provided to the investigators, the properties would be located near the Las Bardenas Reales natural park. Approximately 25 miles (40 kilometers) from Milagro, Cerdán's hometown, where many of his relatives reside.

Two men posing together, one with a scarf and dark suit and the other with a striped jersey and jacket.
Cerdán in the spotlight for his messages with Koldo | Redes sociales

Cerdán's Assets

However, Santos Cerdán's asset declaration has raised doubts due to an SUV for which he paid more than half in cash. But it is not the only declared asset. According to RTVE, Cerdán declared financial assets of 55,320 euros.

Also, in his income tax return, he presents 15,728.79 euros. Regarding debts, he claimed 42,900 euros.

Concerning real estate and vehicles, he shows a house in Navarra. This is fully owned by purchase in 1994.

It is true that a mortgage loan from 11/17/2003 of 53,218 euros is shown. Of which, according to RTVE, 24,200 euros were still pending.

However, what has attracted the most attention is the Volvo.

The Coincidence That Raises Doubts in Cerdán After Paying for an SUV

It is true that Santos Cerdán's asset declaration reveals that he paid more than half of an SUV in cash. Something that occurred during the months that, according to Aldama, he made a cash payment through Koldo García.

This delivery of 15,000 euros was confirmed by Aldama in the Supreme Court.

The vehicle in question is a Volvo XC60 T6, and the acquisition date is May 5, 2023. As of today, this car has a market price of about 50,000 euros.

Additionally, in that asset declaration, he claims that he requested a bank loan to be able to pay for the car. However, he only requested 19,200 euros, of which he has 18,700 euros pending payment.

El Debate wanted to confirm this information with Cerdán himself, and he explains that he keeps the bank transfers of the operation. First, he stated that "that is false" and later stated "there are the transfers," although he never showed them. This way, he confirms that acquisition, as shown in his asset declaration.

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