A man speaking at an event with a microphone, while in a box another person is shown getting out of a car.

The Mysterious Messages From Cerdán on a Device of Koldo That Put Him in Check

These supposedly communications were found on an electronic device belonging to Koldo

Santos Cerdán is once again a topic of conversation. According to the latest discovery by the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guard, some alleged messages would corner the PSOE's Secretary of Organization.

Allegedly, according to El Confidencial, these would be messages about a supposed rigging of public works contracts. These communications were found on an electronic device belonging to Koldo García Izaguirre, a former close advisor to José Luis Ábalos in the Ministry of Transport.

A man in a blue suit and polka dot tie walks through a building with golden railings.
They would be messages about an alleged rigging of awards | Redes sociales

According to the newspaper, the memory was encrypted and was seized at García Izaguirre's residence during the initial searches of the operation.

Allegedly, UCO experts managed to access the data and found several message exchanges between García Izaguirre and prominent PSOE members, including Cerdán. These messages suggest that the PSOE's Secretary of Organization might have participated in the manipulation of infrastructure tenders.

This, allegedly, in exchange for receiving illegal commissions. Additionally, the conversations also point to the possible collaboration of other party officials in the government. Allegedly, they would have intervened to alter the bidding processes.

Allegedly, they would have intervened to alter the bidding processes | Europa Press

Cerdán Previously Indicated

This time, due to some alleged WhatsApp messages implicating the socialist deputy Santos Cerdán. These are supposed communications between the socialist and those investigated in the corruption scheme.

That's what La Razón claims. These messages are based on the data dump from the mobile of the alleged ringleader of the scheme, Víctor de Aldama. Allegedly, according to the media, everything points to Cerdán as one of the most frequent contacts of Ábalos's former advisor, Koldo García.

The conversations in question allegedly suggest that Koldo was the link between Cerdán and Aldama. Despite the ongoing judicial investigations, the deputy allegedly maintains almost daily communication with Koldo.

At one time, he was in charge of monitoring the ballot boxes with the votes of the socialist primaries that propelled Sánchez to leadership. This connection dates back to his time as the former minister's driver, a position he held before becoming involved in other political activities.

According to the media, UCO is working on two reports that focus especially on the PSOE's Secretary of Organization. A task that responds to a magistrate's order.

These documents have been prepared with the aim of clarifying possible links. Connections with the scheme surrounding Koldo García and other implicated individuals, such as José Luis Ábalos.

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