Sánchez 'the king of fake news' accuses PP and Vox of wanting a 'fake news-ocracy'
On social media, citizens ironically suggest that Sánchez, when talking about 'bulocracy,' describes his management better than the supposed strategy of the right.
President Pedro Sánchez once again launched harsh criticisms against the right, accusing it of wanting to turn democracy into a "bulocracy."
During his speech, he stated that the "far-right international" forgets that "a bot is not a vote and a hoax is not a vote."
Sánchez defended that in democracy "a person is a vote," minimizing the impact of social media campaigns and opposition speeches.
These statements contrast with the president's own record, as he has been accused by the opposition of spreading hoaxes in his political strategy.
Right-wing leaders replied that Sánchez is precisely the one who has contributed the most to disinformation in the Spanish political debate.

Among the cited examples are distorted messages about labor reform and unfulfilled promises regarding taxes and energy.
Sánchez's phrase about "hoaxes" caused immediate reactions, fueling the perception that the PSOE seeks to distract from its own failures.
The opposition points out that the Government has used disinformation to justify controversial measures, such as pacts with pro-independence parties.
During the campaign, Sánchez used alarmist statements about the conservative bloc that were later debunked by experts and media.
Many remember his promises not to make deals with Bildu, which were contradicted after agreements that facilitated his reelection and budget approval.
The "bulocracy" that Sánchez criticizes seems closer to his political strategy, according to complaints from conservative and liberal sectors.
Additionally, the Executive has been accused of manipulating figures on employment, foreign investment, and economic growth in official speeches.
Criticisms of the Government also include the use of social media to amplify favorable narratives while censoring or minimizing opposition.

On social media, citizens ironically suggest that Sánchez, when talking about "bulocracy", better describes his management than the supposed strategy of the right.
Opposition parties have reiterated the need to combat disinformation, starting with the transparency of the Executive.
This episode highlights the growing political polarization in Spain, where accusations of "hoaxes" are used as an electoral weapon.
Sánchez's Hoaxes
In his speech about "hoaxes," Sánchez also forgets some of his own broken promises. One of the most relevant examples is his assertion that there would be no amnesty for those responsible for the independence process.
However, after his reelection, he approved the Amnesty Law. This caused strong controversy and criticism, especially among voters of his own party. This contradiction demonstrated that, once again, the president strayed from his previous promises.
Additionally, Sánchez had repeatedly assured that he wouldn't make deals with separatist parties or with Bildu, a party related to the pro-ETA environment.
Nevertheless, throughout his term, he sealed agreements with these same parties. This earned him accusations of having betrayed the principles of his own electorate.
These contradictions in his quest for power, Sánchez didn't hesitate to resort to pacts with those he had previously criticized.
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