A bus with a graphic design that includes images of several people, stacks of money, gold bars, masks, and a plane, along with the words "EL CAPO RESIGN!", "La Famiglia" and "La Rosa Nostra", as well as a red logo with the letters "PSOE".

The Police Chief's Confession Reveals a PSOE Complaint About the 'Capobus'

He points out that it was Deputy Mayor Sanz who processed the complaint in which the socialists accused of hate crime

The "Capobus" of Hazte Oír greatly annoys PSOE. This Thursday, the general director of the Madrid Municipal Police, Pablo Enrique, confirmed during his statement as a suspect. He did so for a possible crime of malfeasance.

Everything happened when, according to him, an investigation was carried out on the Hazte Oír bus, known as the "Capobus." This investigation would have arisen from a complaint filed by PSOE.

A police car is behind a bus that has a sign with the phrase
This is how the Municipal Police detained the "Capo bus" by order of the PSOE | Redes sociales

The head of the Madrid police force explained to Judge Peinado that the socialist group in the Madrid City Council accused the vehicle. According to his account, for committing a hate crime, and he conveyed the complaint to the deputy mayor, Inmaculada Sanz, who heads the security area.

In other words, it was PSOE who conveyed their complaint to the person in charge of directing the security area.

The police chief appeared as a suspect for the actions of his officers regarding the "Capobus." This is the bus that travels the city's streets demanding Pedro Sánchez's "resignation" due to corruption cases. All those involving his family circle, the Government, and PSOE.

Judge Juan Carlos Peinado accepted a complaint against the head of the Madrid Municipal Police on February 24. This for unspecified crimes. The accusation, filed by the Hazte Oír association, charges him with crimes such as coercion, harassment, and malfeasance.

A bus with a graphic design on its rear that includes images of people, bills, gold bars, and a plane, along with text that says
Hazte Oír reported incidents on the Capo bus | Redes sociales

This in relation to their vehicle being stopped three times since last November and being suggested to impose sanctions.

From Hazte Oír, they have confirmed to LA RAZÓN that these fines never materialized. They believe they did not violate municipal regulations related to outdoor advertising.

The aforementioned media reveals that the real reason for the association's legal actions against the head of the Madrid Police is a "detention."

They explain that when the bus was stopped, the officers indicated to the driver that they received instructions from the top. All to stop the "Capobus" whenever they saw it circulating. This regulation allows associations to carry out mobile advertising campaigns in public areas.

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