A man with a beard and a dark suit speaks into a microphone in front of a blue background with blurred text.

Murcia Will Take Competence Transfer to Catalonia to Constitutional Court

For the Murcian Executive, this measure only responds to the separatist blackmail to keep Sánchez in power and gives in to Junts

The Murcian Government Has Announced That It Will Appeal to the Constitutional Court the Transfer of Immigration to Catalonia if This Measure Goes Ahead. The spokesperson for the Executive, Marcos Ortuño, described the transfer as a concession to Junts to keep Pedro Sánchez in the central Government.

According to Ortuño, the transfer of powers exacerbates inequality between communities and contradicts previous positions of the socialist Executive. He recalled that Sánchez and the Ministry of the Interior considered this transfer unconstitutional until a few months ago, according to the archives.

For the Murcian Executive, this measure only responds to the independence blackmail to keep Sánchez in power and yields to Junts. If the proposal is approved, the Government of Murcia will file an appeal of unconstitutionality to stop this transfer of powers.

A man in a suit and tie posing in front of a flag.
The spokesperson for the Executive, Marcos Ortuño, described the transfer as a concession to Junts | Redes sociales

Ortuño emphasized that immigration is a state competence and should be managed with all communities, not just with Catalonia and Puigdemont. He questioned the position of the Murcian socialists and asked if they endorse that Catalonia decides whether to host immigrants with more state resources.

He criticized that while Catalonia receives more funds, Murcia only receives the necessary 5% to care for unjoined minor migrants. According to Ortuño, this inequality between communities is unacceptable and responds to Sánchez's political agreements to stay in Government.

He accused the Executive of paying the independents with public money and creating first- and second-class citizens according to their political interests. He stated that the Murcian Government will wait for the approval of the law to analyze it and file the appeal before the Constitutional Court.

Ortuño Criticized That Sánchez Again Breaks His Own Promises and Violates the Constitution Just to Stay in Power. He argued that the socialist Executive makes legal what was previously illegal, as with the amnesty and now with the transfer of immigration.

He denounced that Sánchez seeks to divert attention from the corruption cases surrounding his Government with these political concessions.

A man in a suit and tie speaks at a podium with a microphone in front of a blue background with text.
Ortuño criticized that Sánchez once again breaks his own promises and violates the Constitution just to stay in power. | Europa Press

PSOE and Junts Agree to Transfer Migration to Catalonia and Forgive Regional Debt

Pedro Sánchez has decided to yield to the interests of the Catalan separatists to ensure his stay in power. The agreement between PSOE and Junts, signed in exchange for Sánchez's investiture after the July 2023 elections.

Not only does it contemplate the transfer of powers in immigration matters to the Generalitat. But also a write-off of Catalan debt that exceeds what was initially agreed.

The pact establishes that the Generalitat will assume the management of immigration in its territory, even delegating the issuance of residence documents. However, the powers over border control will remain under state jurisdiction. This has sparked criticism for the inconsistency in the distribution of powers.

The most controversial aspect is not just the agreement itself, but the context in which it occurs. Just a few days later, the Government approved a write-off of more than 17 billion euros (17.000M euros) of Catalan debt. This represents 22% of what Catalonia owed to the Regional Liquidity Fund (FLA).

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