A man standing behind a podium with the PP logo and the text "Politics that serves."

Feijóo Criticizes Transfer of Immigration Powers to Catalonia and Debt Forgiveness

During an event held in Valls, Feijóo delivered a direct message to Catalans

Alberto Núñez Feijóo has spoken out strongly against the recent agreements between Pedro Sánchez's Government and the Catalan independence forces. Especially regarding the debt forgiveness and the transfer of immigration powers to Catalonia.

During an event held in Valls (Tarragona), Feijóo delivered a direct message to the Catalans. Assuring that his party will not allow "any Catalan to feel like a foreigner outside Catalonia nor any Spaniard to feel like a foreigner in Catalonia."

Feijóo questioned the alleged debt forgiveness to Catalonia | Europa Press

Criticism of the Debt Forgiveness

Feijóo questioned the supposed debt forgiveness to Catalonia, calling it a "transfer of debt from one place to another." According to the popular leader, this measure doesn't benefit the citizens. Instead, it "finances the interests of separatism and the purchase of PSOE governments," both in Moncloa and in the Generalitat.

These statements come in a context where Pedro Sánchez has urged the PP's regional presidents to accept the debt relief to finance public services, warning that otherwise, they will have to explain it to their citizens.

Feijóo warned about the risks that this decision could imply for national and regional security. | Europa Press

Concerns About the Transfer of Immigration Powers

Regarding the transfer of immigration powers to Catalonia. Feijóo warned about the risks that this decision could pose to national and regional security. He highlighted that Catalonia is one of the regions with a "more complex" immigration, in addition to having high rates of crime and illegal occupation of homes.

For the PP leader, this transfer could lead to "two false border policies." One managed by the central Government and another by Catalan separatism. He called this strategy "immoral," as it, according to him, fragments and weakens the nation by dispersing immigration policies and putting them "up for auction."

Feijóo's criticisms add to those of other political and territorial leaders. For example, the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has expressed his disagreement with the transfer of powers to Catalonia, reflecting growing tension within PSOE itself. Additionally, parties like Podemos, Izquierda Unida, and Compromís have shown their discomfort with the concessions made to Junts, which could jeopardize the stability of the agreements reached.

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