The Women 360º Congress triumphs in Martorell with 'La era del poder y la experiencia'
Nearly 200 women, including professionals and attendees, have gathered in Martorell to address captivating topics such as mental health, intergenerational coexistence
The event has highlighted the value of senior talent and its impact on the economy and social well-being.
This Saturday, January 25, Martorell has become the epicenter of debate and reflection during the latest edition of the Women 360º Congress. The event, co-organized with the Martorell City Council, has brought together business leaders, health experts, and social references to address key topics related to health, ageism, and inclusive leadership. Under the theme "Health, Well-being, and Business for the Executive and Businesswoman," the congress has emphasized the importance of intergenerational knowledge and the adaptation of companies within the digital change.
The inauguration of the congress was led by the Councilor for Economic Promotion of the City Council, Rosa Cadenas, who welcomed all attendees, ensuring that "the Women 360º Congress is special because of the way it is organized and developed. Thanks to Rosa Cuscó and a series of involved colleagues, who have helped carry out this event, with the management of the presentations and providing their vision on the day-to-day life of many women." Following this, an inspiring speech on neurodiversity by Patricia Ripoll, president of the Visible Foundation, set the tone for the day at the Molí Fariner in Martorell. Meanwhile, Rosa Cuscó, Director and Founder of the Women 360º Congress, highlighted the mission of the congress: "we advocate for a world where women are recognized, respected, and valued in all social, political, business, and personal spheres."
Health has been a central theme throughout the congress, and the speakers have addressed its multifaceted impact on people and organizations in the panel "Health and Well-being in the Personal and Business Environment." Esther Deltor, Health Director of meHRs, focused her presentation on the health of people and the planet and the power that organizations have in these areas. According to Deltor, these "must be a driving force for change focused on people and the planet," because "without the health of one, there is no health of the other, and these terms must be cohesive." The director of meHRs also explained the role of women in the sector, how they must balance their health and business life with their personal life, and the burdens of being a woman.
Dr. Ana Belén Casas, whose session "Motherhood at 40" explored the challenges and opportunities of late motherhood, provided data on fertility trends and advances in assisted reproduction, including techniques such as egg preservation and embryo donation. Casas stated that "Organizations must be prepared and adapted to the needs of women," calling for greater awareness around reproductive health and planning. According to the doctor, then, workplaces can better support employees through flexible policies and health education.
On the other hand, in the business panel, Noelia García's presentation, judicial expert in PRL, "Roles of Power in the Company," addressed the complexities of leadership in today's workplaces. García questioned traditional hierarchies and advocated for ethical leadership based on trust, collaboration, and rigor: "Well-managed power allows the worker to know that the company respects them." Thus, the judicial expert advocates for the creation of psychologically safe workplaces so that the mental and physical health of workers is not underestimated.
"The combination of generations brings wealth to the company"
A highlight of the day was the presentation "Generational Coexistence between Millennials and Boomers in the Workplace," presented by Mónica García, HR Director of Volkswagen Group Services Spain. The session delved into how generational differences can become strengths when managed thoughtfully. According to García, "there must be a balance in the teams" and include senior and junior talents, which are articulated as a productive complement for the company and the workers themselves: "it is the key combination for success."
Ares Sebastia, marketing director of the Lesseps Group, focused on Generation Z women. Her speech took a reivindicative tone, explaining how, contrary to what is often claimed, Generation Z "doesn't have it all easier," considering the current inflation, technocracies, and the relentless stimuli they constantly receive. These stimuli, according to Sebastia, make them "question many things at the level of mental health," and so much pressure ends up falling more heavily on women. Thus, the director concluded that "they don't have it easier, they have it different."
People over 55 years old already represent 30% of the Spanish population, contribute 25% of the GDP, and are responsible for 60% of consumer spending
Cèlia Hil's presentation, psychologist and senior talent advisor, "Senior Talent, Ageism, Silver Economy... a Future Ahead" also became a reivindication, but this time of senior talent. People over 55 years old already represent 30% of the Spanish population, contribute 25% of the GDP, and are responsible for 60% of consumer spending. However, ageism (discrimination based on age) is still present in a society where, despite having one of the highest life expectancies in the world, silver talent is never fully valued. Hil sees longevity as a resource that can be leveraged and, therefore, as something positive: "You must plan your longevity."
"Although there is still a way to go, much has already been traveled"
The mayor, Xavier Fonollosa, concluded the congress by highlighting that he is fortunate that the Martorell City Council is the only one in the entire Baix Llobregat, of municipalities with more than 25,000 inhabitants, that has more women than men with elected public positions and added that there is still much way to go: "In historical terms, in a very short time we have made very important progress and we must continue, so that one day we don't have to hold these interesting sessions."
Fertilab Barcelona, ROSES Vitalcare, GrupLesseps, MP Advocats, MAPFRE Martorell - Bòbiles
Diputació de Barcelona, Ajuntament de Martorell, Women 360º Congress
About the Women 360º Congress
Since its creation more than a decade ago, the Women 360º Congress has united more than 20,000 women in a shared mission to advance health, leadership, and inclusivity. This first edition in Martorell stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the potential for transformative change, inspiring women to lead with courage, compassion, and vision.
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