Smiling Queen Mary and Queen Frederik of Denmark dressed formally with a megaphone drawn in the picture.

Urgent Statement About Federico X and Queen Mary Following the Latest Family Turmoil

The Danish Royal House confirms the kings' trip to Australia following concerns about John Donaldson's health.

The Danish Royal House has issued an urgent statement to confirm the presence of Frederik X and Queen Mary in Australia. Following persistent rumors about a private trip to Hobart, the queen's hometown, the institution has acknowledged that both are in the country, although without detailing the reasons. However, the Danish press suggests that the visit might be related to the health condition of John Donaldson, Mary's father.

For weeks, the monarchs' official agenda was empty, which caused speculation. In their absence, Prince Christian, the couple's firstborn, has taken on some official commitments. Initially, it was believed to be a winter vacation, but new information has revealed that the royals also traveled to Australia.

Princess Mary smiling in a crown and maroon dress alongside Frederick of Denmark smiling in suit
The truth about Federico X and Mary of Denmark's trip to Australia | Europa Press

The confirmation from the Royal House comes after several Australian media outlets, such as Pulse Tasmania, claimed to have seen Mary in her hometown. This trip has caused various theories about its true motive. Is it simply a family visit, or are there more concerning reasons behind this trip?

Statement on Frederik X and Queen Mary After the Latest About Their Family

The growing speculations have led the Royal House to issue an official statement. According to the Danish media Billed-bladet, the institution confirmed that Queen Mary made a "planned short trip" to visit her family. They assure that this stay is an extension of the Royal Family's ski vacation, which has become an annual tradition.

Every winter, the Danish royals enjoy a few days in Verbier, an exclusive alpine destination in Switzerland. On that occasion, the Royal House had already communicated that the family was abroad for the children's school holidays. However, they never specified that the second part of the trip would take them to Australia, which caused uncertainty among the public.

Mary Donaldson and Federico of Denmark smiling posing in front of the Eiffel Tower at an outdoor event. Tweet from July 30, 2024
The Royal House of Denmark confirms Mary's private visit to Hobart | Twitter, @Monarquia_Confi

Despite the Royal House's discretion, the Australian media quickly detected the royal family's presence in Hobart. Pulse Tasmania published information about the visit, claiming that the queen was seen at a local market. The news surprised the town's residents, as there was no official announcement about her presence in the country.

The fact that the trip wasn't announced caused even more doubts. Although the Royal House maintains that it is a private visit, the repetition of these trips could be linked to John Donaldson's health. The last time the queen was in Australia was in November, a stay that had already sparked rumors about her father's condition.

Concern for John Donaldson's Health

For years, various sources have indicated that John Donaldson's health is delicate. His condition prevented him from attending his daughter's coronation as queen consort in January 2024. Now, his deterioration might have led Mary of Denmark to make this new trip.

It is not the first time the queen has expressed concern for her father. In 2022, when he also couldn't attend his granddaughter Princess Isabella's confirmation, Mary stated: "Unfortunately, my father isn't coming. He's becoming an older gentleman and isn't well enough to undertake the long journey back to Denmark."

Mary Donaldson in a large black hat and black dress shaking a man's hand at a formal event, surrounded by other people.
John Donaldson's health, father of Queen Mary, is concerning. | Twitter, @TildaAng

The recent trip of Frederik X and Queen Mary to Australia has caused numerous speculations. Although the Danish Royal House has confirmed that it is a planned family visit, the concern for John Donaldson's health remains. The repetition of these trips could indicate that her father's situation is more delicate than has been communicated.

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