Photomontage with an image of a person with money in a wallet and two red rounds with the logos of Banco Santander and CaixaBank

Important Notice From Banco Santander and Caixabank: Don't Lose Sight of This at the Atm

Banco Santander and CaixaBank warn their customers about a new scam technique that occurs in many places

Banco Santander and CaixaBank have issued a warning to their customers about a new type of scam that is rapidly spreading in several cities. This modality, known as the 'seed scam,' is being carried out at ATMs. Therefore, it is essential that all users of these services stay alert and follow certain recommendations to avoid falling into the trap.

The seed scam is a technique in which scammers use distraction. Whether to steal money or the card from a victim at the moment they are conducting a transaction at an ATM. The process is very simple yet dangerous for those who do not pay adequate attention.

Anyone Can Be Fooled by This Technique

The modus operandi consists of one of the criminals approaching the ATM while the victim is about to make a cash withdrawal. At the moment the person is focused on the transaction, one of the scammers throws a bill on the ground. This catches the victim's attention.

A pensive man stands in front of an ATM while a hand holds euro banknotes.
They indicate that anyone can fall into the criminals' trap. | Syda Productions, Getty Images Signature de Alihan Usullu,

While the victim bends down to pick up the bill, the accomplice takes advantage of the distraction to steal the money or the card from the ATM slot.

This type of scam has already affected many ATM users in various cities. Hence both Banco Santander and CaixaBank have urged their customers to be on alert against this modality, reports The banks recommend not letting your guard down at any time while conducting a cash withdrawal transaction.

Banco Santander and CaixaBank's Recommendations to Avoid the Scam

Both Banco Santander and CaixaBank have offered practical advice to prevent falling for this type of scam. It is crucial that customers follow a series of recommendations when using the ATM. In this case, prevention is essential to prevent scammers from achieving their goal.

At all times keep your attention on the transaction. Do not let anything distract you while using the ATM. Any second of distraction can be exploited by criminals.

A person holding banknotes in front of an ATM with the logos of CaixaBank and Santander.
Pay close attention when withdrawing cash | CaixaBank, Banco Santander, Syda Productions

You should also not accept help from strangers. If someone offers to help you while you are at the ATM, ignore them. Scammers often take advantage of this situation to distract the victim and steal from them.

Whenever possible, make cash withdrawals in safe places. Try to conduct your transactions at ATMs located in enclosed or well-lit areas. If you have to use an ATM on the street, choose those in areas with high foot traffic.

In the event that you become a victim of this scam, act immediately. If you realize that you have been robbed, contact your bank as soon as possible to block your card. You can do this by calling the customer service number or through the bank's app.

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