Tremendous Boycott on Social Media Against Fish from Morocco
You should start tackling the issue head-on and not buy imported junk from Morocco
Products brought from Morocco to Europe have sparked a whole movement against them, which has been capitalized on by European farmers and ranchers, who are the most affected. This is due to the unfair competition that exists between European and Moroccan producers. The stark difference in the quality of food from the Maghreb country and the Europeans has sparked a wave of boycotts against any Moroccan product in Spain.
This weekend, another boycott campaign has begun following the publication of the sale of fish of Moroccan origin in a market in Seville.
Fish seen at the Pino Montano Market (Seville).
You should start getting serious about the matter and not buy imported trash from Morocco, which also includes pieces of illegal sizes.
Meanwhile, fruits and vegetables from Morocco are becoming a problem for Spanish farmers and also contain chemical residues harmful to health.
This is a matter you should all discuss with your elders, who are the ones buying this junk without having a clue.

The indignation of the people over the sale of Moroccan products in Spain is palpable. Leaving aside the poor quality that products from the North African country may have, people focus on national production. It highlights the damage that the sale of these foods does to Spanish producers who have better quality food.
In the comments, people make it clear their disgust at seeing how Moroccan products continue to be sold, while national production is plummeting. The user @Nomasprogre says the following:
Please think of our farmers, fishermen, and other workers who break their backs to bring us national products in exchange for paltry wages. Under exhaustive and suffocating control from Europe. Don't buy from the damn Moors who have none of that.
But this is not the only comment. People lashed out against the unfortunate situation suffered by Spanish producers as a result of the poor green policies of the European Union and unfair competition with Morocco.

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