The ace up Vodafone's sleeve: you won't find it so easy to leave.
There is a detail about the commitment to stay that may go unnoticed by many of the clients.
In the field of telecommunications, one of the topics that always raises questions is the commitment to stay with a provider. Many people have experienced wanting to switch operators only to find an unexpected penalty. This scenario has been present in the industry for years.
However, many are unaware that at Vodafone there is a different system. It will significantly affect the penalties for breaking the commitment to stay before the agreed time.
Vodafone explains what the commitment to stay is
Before delving into Vodafone's new policies, it is important to understand what the commitment to stay means. This commitment is the agreement we sign when contracting a line or service with an operator. We commit to staying with them for a specified period, usually 24 months.

In return, the company offers us some type of discount or benefit, whether in the price of the rate or in the acquisition of a device (such as a mobile phone or a tablet).
If we decide to cancel the contract before that period ends, the operator usually applies a penalty. It is calculated based on what remains to be fulfilled of the commitment. Traditionally, these penalties used to be decreasing, meaning the amount to be paid decreased as the end of the contract approached.
However, things have changed, and now the penalties can be increasing. They will depend on the type of discount we have received.
Increasing penalty at Vodafone
Vodafone has implemented a policy that has surprised many of its users. In cases where the commitment to stay is acquired in exchange for a discount on the monthly rate, the penalty increases over time. This is because, by receiving a discount on the rate, the savings accumulate month by month.

Thus, if you decide to cancel early, you will have to return a larger amount as more months have accumulated. The money saved from the discount has been increasing.
This practice is different from what happens when the commitment to stay is linked to a discount on the device, such as a cheaper mobile phone. In this case, the penalty is decreasing, as the contract's end date approaches, the fine decreases. This is because the value of the device is already amortized, and the company doesn't have as much to recover.
In most cases, the commitment to stay with Vodafone will be 24 months. This means you will have to stay with the operator for two years unless you wish to pay the corresponding penalty for breaking the contract early.
If you are considering switching operators, it is important to keep these details in mind regarding Vodafone's policies. In the case of enjoying a discount on the rate, the penalty will be greater the longer you have stayed with them. This can be a drawback if you decide to switch to another company before the contract ends.
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