Montoya and Ana Rosa Quintana on a television show with a clapping emoji overlaid.

Resounding Applause for Ana Rosa Quintana for What She Said About Montoya: 'i Think That...'

The host criticizes Montoya's attitude on 'La Isla de las Tentaciones' and her words generate a great ovation

Each episode of La Isla de las Tentaciones unleashes a wave of comments, but this time Ana Rosa Quintana's reaction has been the focus of the debate. The journalist, on her morning show, didn't hesitate to analyze Montoya's attitude and other contestants in the final stretch of the reality show.

"I think they're a bit full of themselves," the host stated, distancing herself from the tone the show has taken in its recent episodes. Her words sparked a loud applause, both in the studio and on social media.

Ana Rosa Quintana with red glasses and a polka dot blouse in front of an image of piggy banks on 'El programa de Ana Rosa'.
Ana Rosa Quintana criticizes Montoya's attitude on "La isla de las tentaciones" | Mediaset

But what exactly is Ana Rosa Quintana referring to? What has happened in the reality show for the host to issue such a strong critique?

The Drift of La Isla de las Tentaciones According to Ana Rosa Quintana

La Isla de las Tentaciones has once again been a topic in Telecinco's discussions, especially after the last bonfire, where confrontations between contestants reached their peak. Montoya, one of the most talked-about names this season, has been the center of attention for his defiant attitude and controversial statements.

Telecinco's reality show has been, since its premiere, an endless source of controversy. However, in its latest episode, the tension between Montoya and Manuel, his partner's tempter, took the show to a new level of confrontation.

During the section El aperitivo on El programa de AR, Ana Rosa Quintana expressed her discontent while analyzing what happened. "They're being vulgar, and there's no need. It used to be funny and now it's a bit... crude," the host lamented, referring to the images of Montoya at the last bonfire.

Ana Rosa Quintana with brown hair and dark eye makeup, wearing a blue garment, against a background of green and yellow colors on El Programa de Ana Rosa.
Ana Rosa Quintana condemns Montoya for his attitude at the last bonfire | Mediaset

But the key moment came when Montoya dedicated a mocking song to Manuel, detailing his encounters with Anita. For Ana Rosa, this type of behavior has crossed the line of what she considers acceptable. "For me, what used to be very funny is no longer funny," she stated, making clear her change of perception about the Sevillian.

Loud Applause for Ana Rosa Quintana for What She Said About Montoya

Ana Rosa wasn't the only one to express her disapproval. Jorge Borrajo intervened to emphasize how the contestants have resorted to easy insults and disrespect. "Especially in the way they disrespect and insult each other...," the journalist pointed out.

Meanwhile, Jano Mecha also wanted to analyze the turn the show has taken. The collaborator assured that in the recent episodes, the protagonists "have lost a bit of their naturalness."

Even Alaska, also present in the discussion, wanted to share her point of view. "Among the guys, there was a kind of brotherhood, but they've fallen into the girls' game of disqualifying in any way...," she highlighted.

Ana Rosa Quintana ended the debate with a clear statement: "They've gotten carried away." This phrase sums up the general opinion among the show's collaborators, who agree that the contestants have lost their way.

Ana Rosa Quintana on 'TardeAR' wearing a red jersey with crossed arms. Serious face and behind her a picture of a typewriter.
The applause for Ana Rosa Quintana for her strong opinion on "La isla de las tentaciones" | Mediaset

On social media, viewers also applauded the host's opinion. Many shared their concern about the direction the reality show is taking, with messages reflecting a widespread sentiment.

Ana Rosa Quintana hasn't held back in criticizing Montoya's behavior and that of the other contestants on La Isla de las Tentaciones. Her strong opinion, supported by her collaborators, has caused an intense debate both on the show and on social media. After this, the question that remains is: how far are the contestants willing to go?

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