Pastora Soler montage, wearing a black dress and singing into a microphone, and Melody, serious, in a denim jacket inside a black circle.

Pastora Soler Surprises Everyone With What She Has Said About Melody: 'she's A...'

Pastora Soler hasn't hesitated to speak loud and clear about Melody

Pastora Soler has surprised everyone with statements about Melody. Yes, specifically, about what she thinks of her representing Spain in the upcoming Eurovision Song Contest.

The Sevillian has been especially candid. After confessing that she has known the artist for many years, she praised her. She stated: "She is a fighter."

Close-up of Melody with an intense expression after winning the Benidorm Fest.
Pastora Soler hasn't held back when talking about Melody | RTVE

Pastora Soler Leaves Everyone Stunned With What She Said About Melody

Melody recently became, after winning the Benidorm Fest, the representative in Eurovision 2025, which will be held in May in Basel. There she will give her all to achieve victory with her song Esa diva.

Alaska and many other celebrities have given their opinion on the selection of the aforementioned singer. Now the one to do so has been Pastora Soler, who precisely participated in that musical contest in 2012, finishing in tenth place.

The Sevillian has surprised with what she has told Europa Press about her colleague. She has stated that "I have seen her grow, I know her family very well."

Moreover, she has drawn attention for the praiseworthy words she has had for Melody. She has affirmed: "She is a fighter, she is an amazing artist."

These words reflect the respect and admiration she feels toward her colleague. So much so that she has highlighted her perseverance and talent.

Pastora Soler, who represented Spain in Eurovision 2012 with Quédate conmigo, knows firsthand the magnitude and demands of the festival. Therefore, her words toward her colleague are even more significant.

In her statements, she has shown what role the young woman will play in the contest. She has done so by saying: "I believe that, on that stage that I know, you have to have a lot of confidence and Melody has it."

Melody on stage at the Benidorm Fest in a sparkling dress, surrounded by dancers and dramatic lights.
Pastora Soler has made clear Melody's strength on stage | RTVE

Regarding what position she predicts she will achieve with Esa diva, she has not been so assertive. She has stated: "If you finish in a good position, then better, but that moment of your three minutes of song in Eurovision is what you take away."

The Special Connection Between Pastora Soler and Melody

The connection between the two artists goes beyond professional admiration. They both share Sevillian roots and a deep passion for music. This close relationship is evident in Pastora's words, who has closely followed her career and celebrates her achievements as her own.

The representation of Spain in Eurovision by the young woman also highlights the continuity of the Sevillian presence in the festival. Previously, artists like Conchita Bautista, Lucía, Remedios Amaya, and Soler herself have brought the talent of the Sevillian land to the European stage. Now Melody takes the baton, carrying with her the cultural richness of her province.

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