A bearded man with earrings appears in the foreground while a woman with long dark hair is shown in a circle; there is a warning icon in the image.

Maximum Tension Over What Manuel Cortés Has Told Isa Pantoja: 'I Wouldn't Trust...'

Manuel Cortés has exploded against Isa Pantoja on his social media, creating a moment of maximum family tension.

Isa Pantoja spoke again this Friday on Vamos a ver about the Bollo family and assured that she has nothing to do with any of them. She stated that she has completely moved past them in her daily life. This has caused Manuel Cortés to explode on social media and confess that he: "Wouldn't trust people like you."

Manuel Cortés Bollo has decided not to remain silent and has used his social media to respond to Isa Pantoja. This has set off all the alarms.

The image shows a text in which a person expresses their frustration with the attitude of others who act hypocritically, throwing indirect remarks and then hiding. The person mentions that they have no interest in those who are not in their life and that there is nothing to overcome, as what doesn't matter doesn't affect them. They also criticize those who interact with others disloyally and bring up issues behind their backs.
Manuel Cortés explodes on his social media against Isa Pantoja | @manuelcortesbollo

He confessed to being "quite tired" of the same behavior always being repeated. "The stone is thrown and the hand is hidden," he said, expressing his frustration.

Manuel Cortés Explodes Against Isa Pantoja Publicly

The former contestant of Supervivientes hasn't understood Isa Pantoja's attitude. "First she shoots and then... 'No, they're not in my life, it's just that I'm lazy, they haven't moved on,'" he expressed with irony.

According to him, there is nothing to move on from. "When something means 0 to you in your daily life, there's little to move on from," he stated.

Two people in a split image; on the left, a woman with long dark hair, and on the right, a man with a beard and a denim jacket.
Manuel Cortés is tired of Isa Pantoja's comments. | Europa Press, Telecinco, en.edatv.news

But Manuel Cortés didn't stop there. He sent a direct hint to Isa. "If you already know me and you're not surprised, I'm even less surprised by you, dear," he stated harshly.

He assured that he wouldn't trust people who act like her either. "Interacting with C people and exposing X topics behind the scenes so that they later ask you about it," he added.

Maximum Tension Over What Manuel Cortés Said to Isa Pantoja

Tired of being in the media spotlight, Manuel Cortés made his position clear: "That's enough, neither the good are so good nor the bad so bad," he stated. His message was forceful. He left no doubt about his weariness with the situation.

A smiling man inside a car is being interviewed by a Europa Press microphone.
Manuel Cortés raises alarms with his words on his social media | Europapress

Social media exploded after his post: Followers commented on the confrontation. Some supported Manuel while others defended Isa Pantoja. But the truth is that Raquel Bollo's son didn't hold back and put Isa Pantoja against the ropes with his words on social media.

The conflict between both families remains ongoing. Each statement generates a new reaction and it seems the confrontation is far from over. We will have to wait for Isa Pantoja to publicly comment on Manuel Cortés's words to know how this family story continues.

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