Isa Pantoja looks forward while Manuel Cortés appears in a red circle in the upper right corner.

U-turn for Isa Pantoja: Her Cousin Manuel Cortés Has Already Revealed Everything

Raquel Bollo's son has provided information that adds a new twist to the situation he is experiencing with his cousin

Manuel Cortés and Isa Pantoja haven't had a relationship for a while. It seems there are no signs that their situation will improve, judging by the latest events. Some statements from her have led the singer to turn the story around by revealing the whole truth.

Specifically, the young man has made it clear that Isa is wrong about him and his family. Moreover, he has hinted that those who betray her are other people around her.

Raquel Bollo reunites with her son Manuel Cortés at the SIMOF in Seville.
Manuel Cortés has once again stood up for his mother | GTRES

Isa Pantoja's Latest Statements About Manuel Cortés's Family

Isa Pantoja and her cousin Manuel Cortés haven't spoken for a while. The conflicts that arose during his and her husband Asraf Beno's participation in Supervivientes left a deep mark on their family bond. They caused a rift, and since then, there have been no public attempts at reconciliation between them.

Conflicts on "Survivors" destroyed the family relationship | Mediaset

These days, the situation has become tense again due to some statements from the young woman. On the show Vamos a ver, she spoke about a family gathering organized by her cousin Anabel Pantoja in Seville, which she didn't attend. Regarding this, she expressed: "I didn't know anything about that meeting."

"But honestly, it's better. Yes, because I wouldn't have felt comfortable or at ease with people there whom I don't trust, like Raquel Bollo."

The response from the person mentioned didn't take long. She has stated that she is the one who doesn't trust Isa. However, the most forceful reaction has now come from Manuel Cortés.

Manuel Cortés Breaks His Silence and Turns the Story Around with Isa Pantoja

Upon leaving the final of the reality show GH Dúo, Manuel Cortés was approached by the press and expressed his feelings regarding his cousin's statements. Thus, he stated: "She knows perfectly well that we have never betrayed her. Nor have we ever done so throughout our lives, being the closest we've been."

"She should look more elsewhere. She has always had many people who have betrayed her."

With these words, Manuel has made it clear that, from his perspective, his relative is wrong to distrust them. He has changed the situation by revealing that she should look among other people in her closest circle.

Furthermore, he hasn't missed the opportunity to confess that what Isa said hasn't left him indifferent. Specifically, he stated: "Of course it hurt me."

A smiling man inside a car is being interviewed by a Europa Press microphone.
Manuel Cortés has spoken loud and clear | Europapress

The Europa Press reporter asked him about the possibility of reconciliation with the young woman. Manuel couldn't have been clearer and more forceful: "I don't know, but it surprises me a bit, honestly."

The Pantoja family continues to face internal challenges that come to public light, affecting the image and relationships among its members. All these recent statements highlight a fracture that, for now, seems difficult to repair. Time will tell if reconciliation is possible or if, on the contrary, the distances will remain within this well-known family.

Meanwhile, Isa continues to focus on her personal and professional life. Specifically, she is focused on her pregnancy, which will bring a new child into her home. On the other hand, Cortés remains focused on his music career, avoiding media controversies as much as possible.

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