A man in a gray sweater appears on a television show with a red alert graphic next to him.

Maximum Tension on 'tardear' Over What Has Happened With Manuel Díaz 'el Cordobés'

Manuel Díaz 'El Cordobés' has experienced a moment of maximum tension on 'TardeAR' because of his studio colleagues

The program TardeAR has once again sparked controversy. In today's episode, there was talk about players' private parties. However, what was most surprising was the moment of tension experienced by Manuel Díaz 'El Cordobés' due to the words his colleagues dedicated to him.

These parties are held in clandestine places where the presence of promotional girls is common. The program's team discovered a clandestine sauna in the center of Madrid. A venue with a spa license that opens every day of the week.

TV hosts on an investigative show with the theme
In "TardeAR" they talk about the players' clandestine parties | Telecinco

However, far from being a place of relaxation, it has become a meeting point for athletes and public figures. According to a former employee of the establishment, the activity in the sauna never stops. "The night here never ends," he confessed exclusively to the program.

Maximum Tension in TardeAR Over What Happened with Manuel Díaz 'El Cordobés'

Javier Sardà, a regular contributor to TardeAR, couldn't help but ask a question that caused a stir. "Is it just players or also bullfighters?" he asked with curiosity.

At that moment, Manuel Díaz 'El Cordobés' was sitting next to him. His reaction was immediate, with a tense smile, he replied, "Maybe they're Martians..." His attempt to downplay the question did not go unnoticed on set.

A television program discusses an investigation into a clandestine sauna related to players, showing an older man gesturing and a person holding a glass of champagne.
Javier Sardà puts Manuel Díaz "El Cordobés" on the ropes | Telecinco

Verónica Dulanto, the program's host, seized the moment. "One day we'll have an intimate chat, you and I, and you'll tell me," she proposed jokingly.

The conversation continued to escalate when it was revealed that bullfighters and other well-known figures also participate in these parties. Manuel Díaz tried to distance himself with humor. "I stayed at the guateque," he stated, generating laughter and a few knowing glances.

TardeAR Contributors Put Manuel Díaz 'El Cordobés' on the Spot

Mónica Hoyos, his colleague on the program, didn't hesitate to make a comment that increased the tension: "Stop pretending to be the good guy, your name will come up soon," she bluntly stated. Her words left an uncomfortable silence on set, Manuel Díaz maintained his composure, but his expression said it all.

A television program shows two people conversing while discussing an investigation into a clandestine sauna, with wine glasses in the foreground and a background illuminated in red tones.
Mónica Hoyos puts Manuel Díaz in a bind | Telecinco

Undoubtedly, the bullfighter experienced an awkward moment live. What happened did not go unnoticed by the audience. Social media have started to buzz with speculations and comments.

TardeAR has done it again. It has brought a controversial topic to the table and managed to elicit unexpected reactions. We will have to wait to see if Manuel Díaz responds or if his name really appears on that list.

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