Maximum happiness at 'La Moderna' thanks to the unexpected news from Pepe Nufrio.
Iván, portrayed by the aforementioned actor, will surprise all viewers by taking a significant step in his life.
La Moderna has delighted its viewers with the preview of this afternoon's episode. In it, the news that will make Iván, played by Pepe Nufrio, happy has been revealed.
The young man, after trying countless times, will manage to smooth things over with his father. So much so that he will become his right-hand man. This anticipated reconciliation will not only strengthen the father-son relationship but also mark a milestone in the young man's development.

La Moderna brings joy to Iván's fans, portrayed by Pepe Nufrio
From the beginning, Iván has been a reckless young man, more interested in enjoying life and money than in taking on responsibilities. This attitude has caused constant conflicts with his father, Emiliano, who has never trusted him to lead the family business. However, today's episode preview shows a significant change in the young man.
After multiple attempts at reconciliation and a sincere request for a chance, the businessman will decide to trust his son. He will appoint him as his right-hand man.
This development will represent an advancement in the plot and also an evolution in Iván's character. He will begin to take on responsibilities and demonstrate his worth within the family. Emiliano's decision to give his son a chance will reflect an act of trust in change.

However, not everyone will view what happened favorably. Maruja will fear that her husband will involve their son in his shadier dealings.
Iván's evolution from an irresponsible young man to becoming his father's right-hand man will be a testament to Pepe Nufrio's talent. Yes, and also to the quality of the script of the TVE series.
Other highlights for this afternoon in La Moderna
In addition to the significant progress in the relationship between Iván and Emiliano, La Moderna will present other events today that promise to keep viewers hooked. Rodrigo, for example, will feel used by the businessman, which could trigger new tensions in the plot.
Meanwhile, Maruja will show concern about Don Fermín's intentions in wanting to talk to her. Her fears will prove unfounded, as he will only inform her that he is going to help Paula and Rodrigo move forward. Pepita will also be greatly pleased by this.

As if that weren't enough, Mercedes, in an attempt to attract more customers to the Madrid Cabaret, will request the collaboration of Laurita and Inés to become a draw for the venue. She knows that with their presence, many people will be attracted to the place.
Meanwhile, Teresa, having stopped Quico, will observe how he conceals his feelings, although he hasn't told Cañete anything. The young man will also begin to notice Fuensanta, a regular client of La Moderna. This could indicate the start of a new romantic or interest-driven storyline.

These secondary events will enrich the main plot and maintain the series' dynamism. They will do so by offering viewers a variety of interconnected stories that explore themes of family, love, betrayal, and personal growth.
In summary, La Moderna continues to demonstrate its ability to surprise and move its audience. It plans to keep doing so until it concludes around the month of March.
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