A woman speaking on a television show with an inset showing a man smiling.

María Patiño Confirms the Decision Joaquín Sánchez Has Made With His Marriage

María Patiño has confirmed on 'Ni que fuéramos' the decision that Joaquín Sánchez has made regarding his marriage with his wife.

On the show Ni que fuéramos, María Patiño dropped the bomb: Susana Saborido has filed for divorce from Joaquín Sánchez. The news surprised everyone and the host announced it live. Additionally, María Patiño confirmed the stance that Joaquín Sánchez has taken after receiving the unexpected news: he doesn't want to separate from his wife.

"First headline, from Joaquín Sánchez's mouth: 'Susana has asked me for a separation,'" revealed María Patiño live. These words left the audience speechless and surprised everyone present on set. The footballer received the news by surprise; he didn't expect his wife to ask for a divorce.

A TV host appears on a show with a banner that says
María Patiño confirms what Joaquín Sánchez has said | Canal Quickie

María Patiño provided more details: "This news is conveyed to Joaquín: 'I want to separate,'" she assured. María Patiño insisted that the decision comes from Susana. Joaquín Sánchez, on the other hand, doesn't want to leave his family behind, as confirmed by the journalist.

María Patiño Confirms That Joaquín Sánchez Will Fight for His Marriage

But there's more, Joaquín Sánchez replied with a clear message. "Second headline, from Joaquín's mouth: 'I don't want to, I feel bad, but I'm going to fight for you, I'm going to do everything possible to win you back,'" explained Patiño. The footballer isn't giving up and doesn't want to separate from Susana.

A person on a television program with a graphic at the bottom mentioning headlines about Joaquín and Susana Saborido.
María Patiño confirms that Susana wants to separate from Joaquín | Canal Quickie

María Patiño also provided details about Susana. At the moment, she isn't with Joaquín. "Susana had a family member who was worrying her in recent hours and was at the hospital joining them," the journalist reported.

The situation has been complicated for her after the alleged infidelities that Joaquín has had over the years while they were married came to light. However, the tests conducted on her family member turned out well and this has given her a respite amid the media storm that has formed.

Joaquín Sánchez Doesn't Want to Leave His Family According to María Patiño

Meanwhile, Joaquín Sánchez remains firm in his stance: He doesn't want to separate and wants to save his marriage. María Patiño has confirmed that he will fight for his wife.

Joaquín Sánchez and Susana Saborido smiling, posing in front of an illuminated nighttime cityscape.
Joaquín Sánchez wants to keep fighting for his marriage | Instagram, @susanayj7

Joaquín Sánchez is in one of the most challenging moments of his life after his alleged infidelities to Susana came to light.

The divorce isn't signed. Susana is clear about her stance, but Joaquín hasn't thrown in the towel. The story isn't over yet.

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