Storm warning with hail and lightning, showing a car windshield covered in hail.

Storm and hail: alarms go off in this area of Spain due to the incoming DANA

Looking ahead to the weekend, a small DANA could arrive with significant consequences in certain areas

This Saturday, a small DANA (Isolated Depression at High Levels) could generate instability in a specific territory of Spain. This is what the experts from Meteored have warned.

Although its size won't be particularly large, its effects could be significant in some areas. It will bring heavy rain, storms, and hail in specific points.

Montage with a car going through a puddle of water and storm symbols
Baleares is going to be fully affected | Getty Images Signature,

A fast-moving DANA with local impacts

The instability will move to the Balearic Islands over the weekend. During the early hours of Saturday, a small DANA will form south of France, which will quickly move toward the north of the Balearic archipelago in the early morning hours.

As a result, heavy rainfall and storms are expected in some parts of the islands. The most affected areas will be Mallorca and the Pitiusas (Ibiza and Formentera), where rainfall accumulations could exceed 15 to 25 liters per square meter (0.4 to 0.7 gallons per square foot) in a few hours.

Showers and storms: attention to Mallorca and Ibiza

The probability of more intense rainfall will be concentrated in the southwest of Mallorca, in the Sierra de Tramontana, and in the northern half of Ibiza. The showers will begin in the early morning in the northwest and will move southward as the day progresses, confirm from Meteored.

Storm clouds with lightning and raindrops on a cloudy sky, next to a red warning symbol.
Storms are going to be constant |, PixaBay

One of the main risks associated with this situation is hail. Although large hailstones aren't expected, experts warn about the possibility of significant accumulations in some areas. This could cause traffic problems and affect crops.

The Harmonie-Arome weather model predicts a low density of lightning in the area, although it only considers cloud-to-ground lightning. The electrical activity could be more intense than initially estimated.

Far from disappearing, the rains will persist on Sunday in the Balearic Islands, especially in the north of the archipelago. It is expected that rainfall accumulations in these areas will reach between 20 and 25 l/m² (0.5 to 0.6 gallons per square foot), although in the Sierra de Tramontana more than 50 l/m² (1.3 gallons per square foot) could be recorded between Saturday and Sunday.

Photomontage with a background of a car on a road with rain and two emojis in front of rain and storm
Caution on the roads | Europa Press, Aleksandra Chubar, Twemoji

Caution in the most affected areas

Although the DANA affecting the Balearic Islands this Saturday will be small, its effects could be notable in some areas, with heavy showers, storms, and hail. Authorities recommend caution, especially in flood-prone areas and on roads due to possible water accumulation.

Experts from Meteored and AEMET will continue to monitor the situation, as any small change in the DANA's trajectory could influence the distribution and intensity of the rains.

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