Belén Esteban knocks out Jesulín de Ubrique with her latest confession: "Your daughter..."
Belén Esteban has posted some words on Instagram that won't have left her ex-partner indifferent.
Belén Esteban has been separated from Jesulín de Ubrique for years, but their lives remain intertwined by the daughter they share: Andrea Janeiro. For this reason, the collaborator has attacked the bullfighter on numerous occasions, considering that he hasn't behaved appropriately as a father. Now she's left him KO again with a confession: the young woman has sent her a message that reveals how much she loves her.
Specifically, Belén has confessed, "How beautiful that your daughter sends you photos as a reminder." This way, she has made it clear to her ex that they are very close and that Andrea thinks of her constantly. Something that, apparently, doesn't happen with him.

Belén Esteban's Confession That Leaves Jesulín De Ubrique KO
Belén Esteban has been questioning Jesulín as a father for years. Thus, she has reproached him for not treating all his children equally and for not seeing or being alert to Andrea as he should. Accusations to which he has preferred to remain silent.
Moreover, the wife of Miguel Marcos has constantly boasted about the close relationship she has with her daughter, of whom she is proud. And this is what she has done again, to deliver a new KO to the man from Ubrique.
Specifically, Belén has revealed in her stories the gesture that Andrea, who lives in the United States, has had with her. Thus, alongside a photo where the collaborator appears smiling in London, she has written a beautiful message. A message that says: "How beautiful that your daughter sends you photos as a reminder of London in 2021."
"I love you, my life." To which she has added several heart emojis, clearly showing how much they love each other.

Andrea Janeiro: an Unconditional Support for Belén Esteban
Despite living across the Atlantic, Andrea Janeiro continues to demonstrate that her relationship with her mother is unbreakable. The message she sent to Belén, reminding her of a trip together to London, is an example of how they stay connected. Yes, even despite the physical distance that separates them.
That detail, the one from San Blas has greatly appreciated. Especially now that she's having a hard time because one of her best friends, Anabel Pantoja, has her daughter hospitalized. She's suffering so much that she hasn't hesitated to travel several times to the Canary Islands to be by the side of that friend and her entire family.
Jesulín De Ubrique, in the Eye of the Storm
This new media blow comes at a time when Jesulín de Ubrique is trying to keep his private life out of the spotlight. However, Belén Esteban's statements put him back at the center of controversy. Especially regarding his role as a father.

While the bullfighter has preferred not to publicly respond to the criticisms, his attitude has been interpreted by many as a way to avoid conflicts. However, for Esteban, this silence isn't enough. She has always insisted that he should be more involved in Andrea's life and show her the same affection as his other children.
The story between the Ni que fuéramos collaborator and the bullfighter continues to be a subject of attention, especially when it comes to their shared daughter. This latest episode only fuels the interest in a relationship that, although broken years ago, continues to be much talked about.
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