Encarni Ortiz

Close-up of writer Encarni Ortiz in black and white.
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Encarni Ortiz studied Advertising and Public Relations (PR) at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and later specialized in digital content writing. She also completed a Master’s in Business Administration and another in Digital Marketing, both at the European Business School of Barcelona (ENEB).

Currently, Encarni has extensive experience as a writer, having collaborated with well-known digital media outlets such as Cosmopolitan and Moncloa.com. At EDATV News, she creates content on Current Events and Society, with a special focus on the quality of her articles.

A smiling person points to a euro bill being taken out of a wallet.
A man caught in front of the Colosseum with a one euro coin floating in the air.
Woman surprised with a two euro coin and Big Ben in the background.
A smiling woman points to a two-euro coin against the backdrop of a lit-up historic building.
A person surprised next to a hand inserting a coin into a black piggy bank, with coins scattered around.
A man caught in front of the Brandenburg Gate with a two-euro coin in a red circle.
A man surprised with a 50 cent coin and a building with domes in the background in Helsinki.
A woman with a surprised expression in front of a traditional-style building with a red circle highlighting a detail on the facade.
A smiling person covers his eyes while another person holds a toy airplane over a map and a third person moves a toy car.
A woman excited in front of the Sphinx of Giza with a one-euro coin in a red circle in the upper left corner.